What's even better than Sloppy Seconds? Feast III: The Happy Finish marks the return of the original film's writers/director and the third course in this blood-gushing, mutant-thrashing, stomach-churning comic horror serie... more »s. The man-eating monsters are still hungry, and what's left of the human survivors - including Biker Queen, Bartender, and Lightning the wrestler - are running out of luck. That is until hope arrives in the form of a knife-wielding karate kid and a mysterious man who seems to be able to control the beasts. Loaded with horrors that will haunt your dreams, Feast III: The Happy Finish is non-stop, gross-out action with the mother of all endings!« less
They give a recap of Feast 2 ending and start up with the same characters from that one with new ones added during the feastival! Same hack and slash and a must if you liked the first and second ones since it is more of that!
Movie Reviews
Three Feast movies, three Godfather movies. Coincidence?
Jason | Backwater, Alabama | 03/12/2009
(5 out of 5 stars)
"The Feast franchise is like antibiotics. One is not enough, it's incomplete. Kind of like the Godfather series. Once the first is begun, like antibiotics, the whole regimen must be taken, and while doing so there may be agony and moaning (like Godfather III).
After reuniting with the cast of characters from the cliff hanger Feast II - the midgets, the awesomely topless biker chicks, Whisper & Slasher, Honey Pie & The Bartender, we soon get a few superb additions to the movie; one named S*#tkicker and another named Jean Claude Seagal. Yes, Jean Claude Seagal. If there is a cooler name, and a more hilariously overt parody of already lampooned characters (SNL and Mad TV skits don't count), then I have never seen one. Together they add just enough suave machismo and unpredictable catastrophes ("It's just a flesh wound") to keep the movie rolling along.
The most important aspect of all three Feast movies is the potpourri of gore, wisecracks, blood, and extremely heavy-handed WTF scenes. Whereas the classic money shot of Feast II was the baby volleyball scene, this installment challenges and treats the viewer with two classic scenes. An alien colonoscopy that vividly displays a fecal matter covered human head via the first ever corn-hole cam gushes out of the alien excretory system, bouncing on the ground like a half deflated basketball. The other scene can best be described as a cross-species, homosexual, inter-racial, box-car, prison anal rape...and I'll leave it at that.
An attempt at the rest: the biker chicks are the BAMFs, a prophet with cerebral palsy, a bizarre alien/zombie lair with strobe lights and a sweet techno soundtrack, trendy camera usage (night vision and shaky camera), front kick decapitations, and a classic mariachi ending during the credits that attempts to summarize the ridiculous awesomeness of this trilogy."
Napoleon Dynamite
amazingden | Amazing, USA | 05/13/2009
(5 out of 5 stars)
"The best way to think of this movie is the horror genre version of Napoleon Dynamite: it is so over-the-top in terms of absurdity and grotesque-iness it will either take a while to sink in (for the positive reviewers here) or not at all (for all the negative commentors). Unfortunately there's only one way to find out which group you'll fall into (and it's not by reading this or any other review here)."
A Feast Fit For Three
Mark Eremite | Seoul, South Korea | 04/28/2009
(3 out of 5 stars)
"Four years ago, when the first FEAST came out, I was pleasantly surprised, but a bit too disgusted to tell many people about it. When I discovered that two sequels were filmed last year, I sat down with all three films and watched them front to back. Here's a brief recap:
The basic scenario: a scattering of rastabouts are trapped in a bar by a family of malevolent creatures with large underbites. The characters try, mostly unsuccessfully, to find a way out without getting killed. Meaning virtually everyone gets killed.
Because the movie is staunchly amoral, the gore is obscene. Everyone from the jaw-chiseled hero to the helpless toddler is up for grabs, and in ways that are designed to make you squeam. The movie helps viewers out by offering up stat cards the first time a character is introduced, including the probability that the character will be dead by the closing credits. It's a bit of smart playfulness that makes the proceeding hideousness a little bit easier to handle.
Personal state: bemused, slightly nauseous, took two antacids, probably the pizza. Four stars.
Feast II: Sloppy Seconds
I'm not ruining anything for you by saying that one of the characters to die in the first film was a sneery biker chick referred to as Harley Mama. In fact, she suffered an especially gruesome death (which is saying a lot), and now her twin sister has discovered her remains and is off an ill-advised revenge quest. She is accompanied by an unlikely survivor from the first film, and together they encounter many spectacularly horrifying things including:
--a baby ... that's all I'm saying about it. A baby is involved.
--every single bodily fluid you can name, one after the other
--the violation of a cat
--a liquefied grandmother
--and so on
This installment introduces a new character archetype called "The Puker." See, if the creatures vomit on you, you either melt away after time, or the melting stops and you develop an irrational affinity for blood. But not for the blood of other Pukers. It's not THAT irrational.
The creatures are more clearly seen this time around. They run around giddily, mating and eating; they appear to be what humanity would evolve into if all money and electricity disappeared from the face of the earth. Meanwhile, our cast of characters commits all kinds of grotesque acts, all in supposed self-interest. [...] Or, more accurately, that most people think it's funny. But I found it distracting.
In their attempt to top the first film, the makers turned the second movie into a pornographic satire of the original flick. A catapult is created using the clothes of two breasty biker chicks who spend the remainder of the movie mostly nude. A man ends up with a pipe in his head but suffers only minor swelling. Except for the Mexican wrestlers, Thunder and Lightning, every character was viciously selfish. The movie pushed the envelope until I had no more pushing room left.
And yes. What did it for me was the baby. I guess that was supposed to be funny.
Personal state: experiencing abdominal distension, some light sobbing, phone call to mother. Two stars.
This is another immediate continuation from the previous film, with our gang moving underground in their quest to safety, guided this time by a mentally handicapped Prophet who has an unusual ability to ward off the creatures. As it crawls through labyrinthine sewage systems, the movie achieves new depths to its depravity, including violence of cartoonish dimensions. (Seriously. Wile E. Coyote would fit right in here.) At first I'd rationalized that the movie was offering a kind of social commentary. In fact, as the third movie unspooled, I was reminded by what Dawson said, "As soon as men decide that all means are permitted to fight an evil, then their good becomes indistinguishable from the evil that they set out to destroy." It made the movie seem smart again.
The ending, not so much. It's abrupt, it's stupid, it's completely out of left field, like the filmmakers just said, "I'm tired of this movie. Let's stop." There's a tease about a possible fourth (and an amusing song over the final credits), but the whole thing felt like a shamefaced shrug to me. As if the makers didn't want people to be too offended, so they finished with a silly little "See? We didn't mean no harm!" When, of course, they did.
Personal condition: smiling, a little headachy, slight dry mouth, not altogether unsatisfied. Three stars."
fmwaalex | Austin, TX USA | 02/28/2009
(5 out of 5 stars)
I was absolutely happy with the fact hat a third film in this franchise was being released seeing that I loved the first two so much. I had no doubt what so ever that this one would be just as enjoyable to watch. The first one is a classic in my eyes and one of the best films of its kind since the Evil Dead films, and that is saying a lot [although those films can not be touched by anything]. The second one was a 5 star event as far as being enjoyable but the first remains the best, still the second as some of the craziest moments in film history [see the baby scene]. Any way I knew that the third film would be excellent as well and I was excited to finally get to see it the day it came out. Me, my girl and my brother all gathered round to view this next masterpiece in the series.
Picking up right were the last left off we are with our group of would be survivors trying to make it out of the town alive. Some from 2 are still left or should I say most but now we are joined threw out the film by new characters that only add to the bloody fun. So off we go on the next and possibly final chapter of this series in one of the most over the top and most enjoyable film experiences ever, no lie. These people fight them selves, the creatures, hybrids, and puked on zombieish folk along the way trying to save themselves. After making off the roof they finally get into the Sherriff station and into the cell after beating down the bum that kept them out. The film moves along into the under ground aka the sewers, the film gets even crazier at this point.
Returning director John Gulager and writers Patrick Melton and Marcus Dunstan have done it once again and crafted another crazy bloody classic. They lean even closer to the comedic side more so then the last two with this one, and it is hilarious. I like that for old characters they get the cards like the first film but new ones get the live intro's like the second film, magnificent. And they did not answer many questions from the first two films, in fact they added more [those crazy guys]. I would love to see these three continue to work together more often on other types of films, and more of these of course. These guys seriously have some messed up minds, more on that later.
All the cast members that survived the last film return and of course Carl Anthony Payne II and Clu Gulager steal the show as one would expect. Still all of the cast are great and do wonderful jobs with each character, all were good. Still there were a lot of great new comers like Craig Henningsen who played and I kid you not Jean Claude Seagal, a crazy martial artist and man he is good. Still every one do great over the top performances and are due praise if I say so my self, and I do. And for all those who were disappointed that there were not to many kills in the last film will absolutely love this one here
This movie is full of blood and guts and wonderful nudity of the female kind and of course of the creature kind as well. Speaking of that there is a crazy rape scene in this movie that takes out one of my favorite characters, a nasty mix breed comes from this. Of course the ending of this film is absolutely brilliant and you will never see it coming, I won't even begin to ruin it for you. My only hint is think of the flying car from part 2. Also there are some crazy puke people on this that are very much in need of blood, one even rubs a male body part on her self [what a great movie]. I really would love to go into detail about this movie but I don't want to give any thing away, you will absolutely love this trilogy.
Over all I would say that this is one of the best trilogies in history, or at least to me. I don't think I have had this much fun watching movies in a while, or at least since my Bruce Campbell marathon. By the way how great would it have been to have him in these flicks."