An Excellent Early Film with Jackie Chan!
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Ok.One day I was at Suncoast in 1997,when Chan had recently first broken into america.So at the time(and now still)lots of companies pulled out there old chan movies collecting dust and rereleased them.I saw 2 two movie two packs that had a real attractive price of 5.99.One two pack was this and the other was Snake Fist Fighter/New Fist of Fury.So I got home and watched the first two-pack first.Snake Fist Fighter was okay but New Fist Of Fury was among the worst movies I had ever seen!So after the bad taste New Fist of Fury left in my mouth,I was in a bad mood so Fearless Hyena had to be good or I would be P.Oed!And the movie emerged as my 5th favorite Chan movie!It kind of stays on the same topic as Drunken Master and Snake In The Eagle's Shadow.In the film,Chan plays a boy who lives with his Grandfather,who teaches him kung fu.But he forbids him to fight but Chan does anyway.Little does Chan know that it is only cause his Grand Father is the one of the last 3 Hsin-Yi Clan,which is hated by the Chang Clan.The leader of the Chang Clan sees Chan using the Hsin-Yi style of kung fu and murders Chan Grandfather.Raged,Chan learns "Emotional Kung Fu" from the only other Hsin-Yi fighter.Now Chan is ready to defeat the murderer of his GrandFather so that he and his master,the only Hsin-Yi fighters left,can live in peace.I love the final fight.Chan's first directorial job is great and it has lots of things to be later seen in his later films.I love this's sequal on the other hand....HORRIBLE!It doesnt make any sense cause it isn't even really a chan movie just scenes and outtakes from other early films,mish-mashed together with some horrible,new footage...steer clear,in the two pack however,FearLess Hyena makes up for it completely!"
The first movie is great; the second is incomprehensible.
(2 out of 5 stars)
"Fearless Hyena Part I was excellent. The action and comedy worked well together and once again, we get to see Jackie Chan at his best. But the sequel was impossible for me to understand, as the entire original cast was back but the guy who played Jackie's grandpa in Part I now plays his father? What's up with that? And the final fight scene of Part II rips off clips from the final scene from Part I. Very disappointing. But the good side is you get 2 movies for the price of one!"
PH1(AW) | Atsugi, Japan | 12/10/1999
(3 out of 5 stars)
"I must agree with Jeff that Fearless Hyena Part I was excellent. The action and comedy are classic Jackie Chan. The sequel was also impossible for me to understand. The cast from Hyena part1 were in this one as well but the characters switched rolls. Part 2 was very disapointing, part1 is a must though for Jackie Chan fans."
All-Time classic kung fu movies by Jackie Chan!
PH1(AW) | 09/28/1999
(5 out of 5 stars)
"These martial art films proved that Jackie Chan was going to be the next Bruce Lee. The movie has some good action scenes with a few stunt devils in the film and very funny comedy punchlines with it's dialouge too it here. Trust me these are true classic kung fu cinema in motion picture history that made Chan a superstar!"