"This isn't a terrific movie by any stretch. There are more than a few laughable scenes and silly, ridiculous occurrences. We laughed out loud when Kevin Zeger's character, Dale, was smoking. Like Clinton (*cough*) he didn't inhale, although he took several drags on the cigarette. My question for that scene is: why bother having the kid smoke if he's not going to inhale? Obviously Zeger doesn't smoke, and for that I applaud him, as so many actors and actresses in Hollywood do.Regarding the silly occurrences. Say you're a father with a child that has a terrible fear of the dark. Would you:a) Put a number of floodlights where they could be easily reached, say a chest in an open area, or
b) Put them in a dark attic?Of course the movie chose "b".Regardless, I was immensely surprised when I found myself trapped in suspense. There were moments of dramatic tension that actually made me a little nervous (perhaps even a little scared, although I never jumped), and when the movie was over, and I walked into my office (being 1:00am, my entire condo was dark, and my office darker than any other area) I really did take a tiny "gulp" until the light turned on. The same for returning to bed - until the light on my nightstand was turned on, I was somewhat on edgeGiven the movie's obvious flaws, this made me more than a little embarrassed. But like I said, they handled some of the scary scenes quite well, even though I rolled my eyes during the stolen scene from the Frighteners. That was unnecessary. I can't imagine why they chose to write that scene into the script. Again, regardless, congratulations to the movie for making someone edgy who just doesn't ever get edgy from watching horror films."
Creepy Fun
Graboidz | Westminster, Maryland | 09/08/2004
(4 out of 5 stars)
"I just sat through "Night of Komodo", "Python" and "Savage Island", all direct to video horror, all lousy beyond definition, and so I figured what the hell?.....might as well pop in "Fear of the Dark", I mean if i could make it through "Savage Island" everything else will be Macbeth by comparison. "Fear of the Dark" starts off pretty well, with a kid retrieving a lost baseball in a dark basement, and just sort of carries you along on a cool little thrill ride where things really do go bump in the night. The young actors really do a good job, and the movie does a pretty decent job of building suspense in several parts. If you liked "Clownhouse", then you should enjoy "Fear of the Dark" as well. No gore, no nudity and very little profanity also makes "Fear of the Dark" a kid-friendly horror film (if there is such a thing in our politically correct world anymore??) and would be perfect for your teen's next slumber party."
Fun Film
D. Collins | 08/16/2004
(4 out of 5 stars)
"I almost didn't rent this movie because of the cover. I figured it was going to be another splatter movie, but surprisingly it wasn't. Actually it steered away from the typical nude scenes and bad language that are so typical of most horror movies. It was refreshing to see that a horror movie could be made that was entertaining without the gore and nudity. I have to admit, I'd like this one for my collection when the price comes down.
What makes or breaks a movie for me is the photography, score, lighting, character development and acting. This is a well made film. The director knew his craft. A fun film to watch.
I really like Kevin Zegers. I liked this movie.
Michelle Brandt | Port Hueneme,Ca. USA | 04/23/2006
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Unexpected, I bought the movie becaused Kevin Zegers was in it. I do not like horror, and did not know what would happen in the movie. But there is no gore. Jesse James and Kevin Zegers both did outstanding jobs."
Not Bad For PG-13
S.M. | Louisiana | 03/04/2006
(3 out of 5 stars)
"Although this is not a true horror flick or slasher flick, it was good for being rated only PG-13. I've gotten into the habit of not renting PG-13 movies because I love the gore and violence and terror of true horror movies that are rated R. However, I rented this movie because the box made it look scary. There are some suspenseful scenes in this movie as we see a young boy who is terrified of the dark.No one understands his fears, even his parents. One night, while the parents went out, the young boy was left home with his older brother. Well, here comes a storm and the lights go out. We get to see monsters/ghosts appear during some pretty good lightning scenes. Without going on and on about the details, I'd just say that I'd recommend renting this film. I was pleasantly surprised for a PG-13 rating movie."