This IS the Gerard Butler film
~Pamela~ | Colorado USA | 08/21/2006
(3 out of 5 stars)
"Don't be fooled by the other Fast Food DVD. Order this one if you want to see Gerard Butler. The movie is average along the lines of Shooters (thus the 3 stars) but Gerry is a very charming "bad boy" in this one."
I See Leopard Spots
Sharon E. Cathcart | San Jose, CA United States | 11/05/2006
(4 out of 5 stars)
"I purchased this film in an effort to complete my collection of Gerard Butler's films. This indie British gangster tale of four friends who decide to rob a candy store on the occasion of a fifth friend's 30th birthday has more twists than I can even try to describe. I will say this: if you're a Gerry fan, it's worth buying just to see him as a young man, trotting around in leopard-spotted undies. Dialogue may be difficult to follow for some, due to thick Glaswegian accents on the part of the cast."
Long live Prince Charlie
J. Beins | 10/31/2006
(4 out of 5 stars)
"This is a quirky, kinky, at times very funny low-budget indie that is most interesting now as being an early film of Gerard Butler. I gave it four stars for the four friends endless arguments and discussions. The whole film is - well - OK but I love it when 'the boys' are plotting and planning. There is a good deal of profanity and some nudity so if that kind of thing puts you off, be warned. Otherwise, enjoy the evaluation of the royal family, Elvis, career planning (in gangstermania) and other topics of interest among four young men who think they can do it but don't have a clue. Good time if you're in the mood for weird."
Two Words, Gerry Fans: Leopard Underpants lol
littleflower | 10/09/2009
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Ok, another Gerard Butler movie in the early years that are more silly than anything else. If I remember correctly, Benny comes back after a long time to visit with his childhood friends. His childhood friends though are involved in guns, drugs etc etc. They eat a lot of fast food, hence the title, and their apartment, or flat I guess, is awful and disgusting. lol I think Benny is a telephone repairman, and he ends up calling a sex line. He doesn't know it for a while, but the girl that answers is his call is his childhood love. She doesn't know it until almost the very end, but he figures it out sooner than she does. The old friends, Gerry's character included, plan to steal money from this, I don't know, mafia guy and in the process Gerry's character kills the pizza guy because he's always arguing with him, and he just snaps and shoots him to death. Benny realizes that his childhood friends aren't so sweet and innocent anymore after this, and so he tries to get away from them. But, since Benny knows Gerry's character, who I can't remember his name at the moment, killed the pizza guy, Gerry really doesn't want him to walk away, and is forcing him to stay to keep the secret. On the upside, Gerry fans will think young Gerry in this movie is adorable, even though his character has major issues. lol The Scottish accent is totally thick in this movie, another plus. lol Gerry even puts on a Prince Charles mask on and does an impression of him while they are robbing the safe. Shakesphere it's not, but it's kind of cute, in a weird way. lol If you like Gerry then I say purchase this movie, you won't be disappointed with Gerry...the actual movie you might, it's kind of silly, but you'll like seeing Gerry in it. Other than that, it's not a total waste of an hour and a half..there are some funny jokes in it..few and far between, but they are there."