After a forced landing, the crew is separated by an elaborate trap that leaves Crichton, D'Argo, Noranti and Rygel in a lava-filled system of underground caves. While Chiana and Sikozu are on the surface trying to reactiva... more »te D'Argo's ship, Crichton and the others are being hunted down by mercenaries who are led by a monster impervious to the fiery lava.« less
A nice follow up to the absolutely glorious Season 3
Robert Moore | Chicago, IL USA | 04/06/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"The bad news about Season Four of FARSCAPE is that it wasn't as good as Season Three, but that is absolutely not a reflection on Season Four's quality. Season Three of FARSCAPE is not merely the best of FARSCAPE's four seasons, but one of the finest seasons of any show in the history of television. I'm not sure that any show took as many risks as these guys did that season and the remarkable thing is that so many of the risks succeeded. The whole arc of the inadvertent creation of two utterly identical John Crichton's and their separate fates--one to get paired with Aeryn Sun on Talyn where they would consummate their romance before his death, the other to be separated from Aeryn and to have to deal with her grief upon returning to Moya and her dilemma that the man she loved was both dead and yet still alive--was without parallel in both television and film. In my opinion that season is one of the highlights of the history of television. Season Four, on the other hand, is merely outstanding, a first rate season, but inevitably a bit of a disappointment compared with what before. It is like Babe Ruth hitting 54 home runs in 1928 after hitting 60 in 1927.
Nonetheless, Season Four starts off somewhat anticlimactically after the fireworks of Season Three. The season ended with everything in chaos. Talyn and Crais were dead (though the actor who played Crais, Lani John Tupu, continued on the show as the voice of Pilot), Scorpius's worm hole project utterly destroyed, and the surviving John's romance with Aeryn seemingly unable to continue because of the enormous conflicts she has undergone. Season Four also starts off by introducing several new characters or at least establishing them as permanent ones. The final episode of Season Three found a mysterious old woman on Moya who seemingly came from nowhere, whose name we later learn is Utu-Noranti Pralatong. In the first episode of Season Four we meet Sikozu, played by the beautiful Raelee Hill (though her make up isn't completely flattering to her), a remarkably intelligent woman whose many unique physical skills and overall agenda is only gradually revealed throughout the season and the subsequent mini-series. Commandant Grayza was introduced at the end of Season Three, but she returns in Season Four as not only the major antagonist of the crew of Moya but of Scorpius as well.
The episodes making up this set are probably the weakest of Season Four. None are actually bad, but most of the highlights take place in the last two-thirds of the season. The first episode, "Crichton Kicks," which takes place on a different, dying Leviathan, is a good start to the year, but isn't as good as what went before or what would come later. The two-parter "What Was Lost" was a good sequence that once again was not as strong as the arcs that preceded or followed it. In these episodes we do bid farewell to Jool, which pleased me simply because I couldn't abide her screaming (literally--her screams could melt solid metal) or her unfortunate hair prosthetic. In this two-parter Grayza apparently kills Scorpius.
The biggest event of the end of Season Three was the "coin toss" that decided that Aeryn was going to leave Moya. Of course, no one had any illusions about whether she would return, only when. The final episodes in this set deal with her return to Moya, suffering from the overheating to which Peacekeepers are susceptible, with a fugitive she had promised to protect for having saved her life: Scorpius. Her time away from Moya has led Aeryn, who is pregnant, to reconsider her feelings for John (and allowed healing over the fate of the other John) and she lets John know that she is open to renewing their romance. Interestingly, John's response is to get a drug from the Old Woman that numbs his feelings for Aeryn, though his motives for doing so are not revealed until later in the season. Meanwhile, all we know is that John refuses to get back with Aeryn.
Season Four as a whole is a very strong one, though most fans of the show understandably find it somewhat disappointing following the sustained brilliance of Seasons Two and Three. In fact, it is very nearly as good as Season Two, the brilliance of Season Three causing it to suffer by comparison. Still, there is no point where this isn't a first rate show, which made its cancellation following the end of the season all that more difficult to comprehend."
Crichton Kicks indeed!
Mariah Christensen | Minneapolis, MN United States | 06/23/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"What I love about Season 4, especially the first four episodes, is that John Crichton finally gives the UT the proverbial finger. For most of his time in on Moya, he's running, hiding, getting his @ss handed to him, and wondering "why can't we all just get along?" Having to survive alone on a dying Leviathan like Robinson Crusoe teaches him a few things. The most important seems to be that the universe is not a nice place and it never will be. From that point on, John Crichton is out for himself.
And I love it.
Now, don't get me wrong, I love John Crichton in his hippy free love days, too. The most interesting aspect of Farscape to me is watching John's journey from wide-eyed, gee whiz kid into the shoot first, ask questions later guy he becomes. Season 4 just ushers in another (the last?) leg of the wild ride.
Season 4 is a bit of a bumpy ride. While there isn't a single episode in this season I don't adore, the storytelling gets a bit muddled in the middle. That said, the first few episodes, up to Promises and Aeryn's return to Moya, are amazing. Abso-frelling-lutely amazing."
Farscape is fantastic but, is it ADV's goal to annoy everyon
D. Milburn | Farmington, KY USA | 02/24/2007
(4 out of 5 stars)
"It's gets a 4 ONLY because the case it comes in is so bad, otherwise it's a 5.
You already know Farscape if you have made it to season 4, it's great and original. Albeit Season 4 is the weakest season of them all, so I'm going to tell you about the product and not the show.
ADV as many know totally screwed up the first 6 releases of Season 1 and 2 with there double sided problematic disc. So they fixed it with Season 3 and Season 4, but could ADV have picked a worst case design? I have yet to get a case were the tabs that hold the disc in weren't broken on at least one of the disc if not more. Everyone (case) a received came with loose disc and broken tabs, everyone! The overlapping disc make it difficult to get them in and out and while they seem to fall off the tab holders fairly easily they at the same time seem really hard to get out once they are secured by the tabs. I thought more than once I was going to break a disc getting them out.
Farscape is a 5 without doubt, season 4 extras are a little less but that's not a big deal to me. I just wish ADV the company that released the Starburst edition had a little quality control. Granted the Starbust is for the most part, affordable and packed with extras, but that doesn't give you a pass on quality. As I understand it, as of this writing Sony has aquired the rights to Farscape and ADV will not be releasing anymore sets. Perhaps Sony will re-release them in a quality set that is problem free."
Probably my favorite season
chopsuey | Tampa, FL | 05/03/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I agree somewhat about what the reviewer below me says about season 4, but not all of it. I am a huge farscape fan, but for some reason, when the second half of season 3 aired on the scifi channel, I missed a lot of those episodes. I think I started watching again at the end of season 3. I bought the third volume of season 3 a couple weeks ago and watched it. Surprisingly, I think I had only seen the last 2 in that volume of episodes. I disagree with the reviewer below me about that volume. I honestly think that some of those epsisodes were not good at all. I think the one about John being unconcious and imagining a cartoon world where he can take revenge on D'argo was probably my least favorite episode of farscape...ever! The only thing that held the season 3, third volume were the last 2 episodes.
Now, for season 4, which honestly, I think is my favorite season of the entire show. John and the crew from Moya actually go back down to earth. The scarrans come into the show for the first time as a real force to be reconed with. Although many have a problem with the way season 4 ended, I actually love the season. It seems a growing trend in shows these days where the bad guys eventually turn into better/good guys. Scorpious goes through this transition in season 4. He goes the way of crais. He is pretty much kicked out of the peacekeepers and has to join johns crew on moya. Irony at its best. Anyway, this is a must have for any farscape fan, myself included. I cant wait until october when my entire farscape collection will be complete!"
Fun Series
M. Gibs | 07/25/2006
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Seasons 3 and 4 are my favorite of this show. I can't wait to finish collecting them all.
This show definitely put a spin on sci-fi. It's fun and it's entertaining. If you are a true sci-fi fan you'll love this show.