Determined to avoid the villainous Scorpius's pursuit after the destruction of the Peacekeeper Gammak base, Moya--the sentient Leviathan spaceship that serves as home and transport for Crichton, Aeryn, D'Argo, and the rest... more » of the crew--is forced to abandon her newborn offspring, Talyn, to the devious Peacekeeper, Crais, so that she and her crew can safely navigate the Uncharted Territories of space. As they traverse the galaxy in their quest for a way to their respective home worlds, Moya's crew must deal with the consequences of her decision, as well as encounter many hostile aliens and the dangers they present. Episodes: Mind the Baby, Vitas Mortis, Taking the Stone, Crackers Don't Matter.« less
Robert W. Berg | New York, NY United States | 06/03/2002
(5 out of 5 stars)
"No, "Farscape" is not yet being put into full season sets, but this is a vast improvement. As the plan goes now, a new 2-disc set will be released each month, with 4-5 episodes on each. And that's much better than only 2 episodes, every few months, as we've previously been getting."Farscape" is, bar none, the best science-fiction on TV. It's daring, bold, insane, whimsical, scary, and fun...and also has one of the most complex, involving, and brilliant mythologies of any sci-fi out there, including some fascinating stuff about wormholes.With that said, on to the episode reviews..."Mind the Baby" is an excellent season-opener that picks up from the season finale with a punch, and leads the show into its new direction for the new year. Its only weakness is the fact that it was not originally meant to be the season-opener, but the second episode. The first one was aired later in the season, and turned into a flashback episode, where we find out what happened. Therefore, some of the aspects of the previous season finale cliffhanger are strangely resolved without an explanation...Although that explanation will be given later in the season, in the episode, "Dream a Little Dream."The next 2 episodes, unfortunately, are not the best "Farscape" has to offer. "Taking the Stone" and "Vitas Mortis" are both rather slow, unexciting episodes. Although each focuses on a different character and provides some great, sometimes crucial, character development, the actual stories don't pack the right amount of punch. That is not to say that they are not worth watching. Just they are not as good as they should have been.The fourth episode of the set, however, is the crown jewel of the 4, and completely makes up for the minor weaknesses of "Mind the Baby" and the more serious ones of the other two. "Crackers Don't Matter" is an utterly brilliant, demented, hilarious, black comedy that strikes a perfect balance between the dark and the funny. It is one of the best episodes the show has ever done. It's impossible to describe the episode without giving it away, but, suffice it to say, it is brillant on every level: character-wise, plot-wise, comedy-wise, drama-wise...Very few shows can produce an episode that can make you laugh till it hurts, and cringe, also. It also greatly benefits from being an episode with a stand-alone plot which also speaks a great deal aobut the characters, and foreshadows the major story arc of the year, something that won't come completely into focus and be fully revealed until much later in the year, in the ingenious "Won't Get Fooled Again," which will take away its crown as the best episode up to that point.What is great about "Farscape" is how it always manages to top itself. Therefore, "Crackers Don't Matter" was the best episode for a while, until "Won't Get Fooled Again" took its place, which was then taken by the season finale, "Die Me Dichotomy." And that doesn't even factor in the two brilliant trilogies: "Look at the Princess" and "Liars, Guns, and Money." Wow, you people who have never seen this season before are in for a real treat...!!!"
ADV is still ripping us off
Robert W. Berg | 06/27/2002
(3 out of 5 stars)
"Farscape is *the* best series on TV today. But ADV was *the* worst company to give the DVD rights too. Granted getting 4 episodes instead of 2 is an improvement but they are still on 2 discs and could have fitted on 1 disc. The sound in the deleted scenes is so poor it's nearly impossible to hear and understand even with the tv at maximum volume. Also American customer are not being given any of the goodies that UK customers received with their DVD's. Let's hope that anything Henson makes in the future they will licence to a better company when Video rights are sold."
We need box sets, not random episodes
Anthony Rogers | Asheville, NC, USA | 07/09/2002
(4 out of 5 stars)
"As previously stated, the way that these DVDs are being released here in the states is absurd. In England there are 4 episodes on each disk, not 2 as it is here, and they get more extra features. Who wants to have to buy 2 disks to see a three-part episode that got split up? We're getting soaked. Why not follow the example of Star Trek TNG, and give us the option of buying each season as a box set for a reasonable price; and please give us all the extras that the people in England are getting!That said, right now this is the only way to watch these shows in the U.S., and Farscape is a fantastic show, so I highly recommend buying or renting these DVDs (I rent them through Netflix). The video and sound quality for the shows themselves (not the extras) is great."
Jim Henson needs to sell DVD rights to someone else
John | Lockport, IL USA | 07/19/2002
(3 out of 5 stars)
"ADV has again screwed all Farscape fans into paying major money into small DVD purchases. Farscape fans, such as myself, have been waiting patiently for over a year to see Farscape in DVD Box sets. ADV has released a "Best of" collection but that isn't going to cut it. What the producers think the best episode is many other people will disagree on. I thought "Through the Looking Glass" was the best episode in Season one. And agian, many people will disagree with me. That is the basis to releasing Box Sets. You get it all.StarGate SG-1 fans got what they wanted when companies began doing what they do with Farscape, releasing seasons little by little. They got Box Sets. Good Box Sets. Region 2 DVD owners have a little bit of an advantage with Farcsape DVD's. They get season releases in three sections, with 6-8 episodes in each set. But even that will not cut the list to most fans. A show with so many awards and so much more ahead of it should be granted a good DVD realease. ADV will hopefully stop their current plans after season two is finished and start agian from scratch. This is the only show besides Angel that I will ever consider buying in DVD Box Sets."
Season 2 begining of the best
Elizabeth Barrett | Boston, Ma USA | 08/23/2002
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Farscape's sophmere season marks a huge departure from the first, which was great but for the most part safe. Having been picked up for a second year you can tell that the creators decided to stop worrying about pleasing others and began to concentrate on telling great stories that were truly different. Mind the Baby is the default Season opener, replacing Re:union, and having seen both I am very grateful for the fact. There were a lot of loose ends to tie up from Family Ties and Mind the Baby does a great job of doing that without making everything perfect. The crew is reunited but Scorpious is on their backs ready to pounce when the moment is right. Talyn has become smitten with Crais, thnks to Aeryn. We have some great character development here we see Aeryn is really willing to give up a lot to save the people she cares about, we see that Crichton has become a man of action and although Crais is out for his self he does have the integrity to try and save Crichton and not kill Aeryn. We get a semi-happy ending with everyone alive (which alone is an achievement considering these people can't walk down the street without one of them dying atleast once) but Crais is on Talyn and who knows what he's doing to him. And Aeryn seems to trust him for no apparent reason, which bothers John and will continue to bother him to the end. Vitas Mortis is only an okay episode. We see that John doesn't trust strangers even old seemingly harmless ones. We see D'Argo find "love" with another Luxan and loose it. And we see how laundry is done on MOya. Its not bad filler stuff and there is some character development. But not the best episode ever. Unlike most people, I actually like Taking the Stone a lot. Chianna is finally given something to do and we get a little back story on her as well. We aslo get to see Chianna, Aeryn and John interact with each other and its nice. Aeryn and CHianna are actually given a scene together, which alone is a miracle, and it looks like Chianna really seems to respect and even likes Aeryn. And although Aeryn isn't at the comforting strange children point of her development yet she does make an effort to be empathetic to Chianna and wants to help her. Continued from Vitas Mortis John is fanaticaly protective of his friends now and won't even consider letting Chianna work things out. He goes as far as to risk his life playing russian roulette with a mushroom. And John and Aeryn have taken there Butch and Sundance routine to a whole new level. They are really comfortable with each other and really do have a couple vibe to them. So the character development is great but the plot is... not. The A plot is all right if you don't mind a straight forward rip off of Logan's RUn. The B plot is just flat out pointless, just skip over it.
Crackers DOn't Matter is just an amazing episode. It alone is worth buying the DVD for. As one reviewer pointed out it does pull out lots of cliches from every science fiction show but it does it on purpose. We get to see what makes Farscape different. The crew has gone insane and while they are busy trying to kill each other a creature is taking over the ship. Not that the plot matters this episode is like recess for the cast but in a good way, they just get to go crazy. We get to see lots of smart and swift verbal sparring espically from Claudia Black and Ben Browder, who just shine together on screen and its even more evident here then in some romantic scenes. Then we have our hero dressed up like King Arthur on crack trying to save the day. And there is also one truly disturbing scene with John and Chianna that makes you shudder but is totally brilliant, its not all fun and games to *them*. Yet despite all the fun these people were shooting at each other with real guns and saying things that really hurt. This is what makes Farscape different there is no reset button. Also it sets up important themes for the whole series. WHy is John the only one hallucinating? Is that Scorpious in his head encouraging him to kill and helping him because John is insane or is it trying to keep him alive? Was JOhn that willing to kill T'Raltixx because of the light or has he changed? Has he become so distrustful that he won't let anyone aboard MOya (unless its an attractive young female which is clearly different)? Do I really need to point out that although the content is for the most part great the extras are not up there? If all you want is some great extras then don't bother. At least in the Season 1 versions you got video profiles here all you have is text, which is available elsewhere as has been said. The commentery with Claudia Black and Rowan Woods is actually pretty good but I really think they should have had one for Mind the Baby. Season 2, and the series, only gets better after this but I doubt the DVD's will improve much."