The best season of one of the greatest series of all time.
Richard Walden | Portland, OR | 06/13/2010
(5 out of 5 stars)
"We all know how badly it sucks that Farscape was abruptly cancelled. BUT, in season 4 you get the brilliance of an amazing, complex show, truly hitting it's stride. They nailed this, it's one of my favorite single seasons of all time.
The acting and directing is phenomenal. You can sense that cast and crew have learned how to trust each other, and that they are not afraid to take risks. Both acting and directing is confident, intense, and also not afraid to be playful. They made me cry, they made me laugh, they made my jaw drop open. Multiple times.
The special effects and costumes and set design remain some of the most impressive ever on TV, and superior to many movies. That they were able to make this much magic 22 hours a year (7 years ago) blows my mind. And season 4, of course is the best ever for visuals and effects. They all have the basic visual language down cold by now, so they are able to polish and enrich existing props (notice how much more detailed the Droids are this season, or Rigel's puppet) The show has a much richer, more organic look this season. And while computer graphics have come a long way since 2003, Farscape still has some of the most visually arresting CGI ever made for the small screen.
Just don't expect a clean ending. It ends on a cliff-hanger, the whole team was expecting at least one more season. You want to watch Peacekeeper Wars after.
This season has some very disturbing images (Scorpius boot-licking, John's sexual enslavement, Aeryn's double with 1/2 her head blown off in loving close-up, various torture scenes)I definitely would not recommend it for pre or early teen viewing, and if I had a mature teen I'd want to at least talk about it before and after.
And it's got a few scenes that I thought didn't work. (including big chunks of "John Quixote")
The DVD is a bit disappointing. While it has a number of special features, including deleted scenes and actor interviews, it is completely lacking any commentary tracks. This show cries out for multiple commentaries from writers, producers, directors and crew, special effects, etc. I was very let down that they did not do a commentary for at least a few episodes.
Despite that. This is one of the most visually captivating, emotionally moving, and intellectually stimulating single seasons ever to be broadcast. While I strongly recommend you watch Farscape from beginning to end, if you were only to watch a single season, make it season 4. If you give it a chance, it will rock your world."