The complete All in the Family seasons are now available in stacking hub packaging. The same great All in the Family DVDs that you've come to love are now available in new space-saving packaging that is the same size a no... more »rmal Amaray, just greener. Enjoy the complete series today at one low price!« less
Dan J. from CIRCLEVILLE, OH Reviewed on 4/10/2011...
Anyone interested in purchasing the complete seasons 1-8 for a REASONABLE price can send me a PM or an e-mail:
I take PayPal or a combination of cash and credits. Some of the All in the Family seasons they put out on DVD, for whatever reason, are not shown in chronological order. What I have is in chronological order and is 32 DVDs.
Movie Reviews
Buyer Beware!!!
Gterrier3 | Ohio | 11/02/2009
(1 out of 5 stars)
"I just received my new season three set. I couldn't believe what they did to this set. In place of the nice box set, they sent a snap case that is usually used for just one movie. All three discs are setting "ON TOP" of each other. Their is absolutely no partition. This is going to be extremely easy to scratch the discs. Now it would have been nice if they had sent these in slim-line cases, but these are 'piled' on top of each other. Cheap all the way! I also discovered that these discs do not play in my computer, (like every set I've ever purchased does). This set is going back tomorrow. Sony really did a number on their customers."
The Bunkers Are Back For Season Three On DVD!
David Von Pein | Mooresville, Indiana; USA | 08/03/2004
(5 out of 5 stars)
""All In The Family" Season 3 comes to DVD with the introduction of this handsome 3-Disc set from Columbia/Tri-Star Home Entertainment.
This boxed set gives us all 24 episodes of the show's third season (which was its second FULL season, following the 13-episode half-campaign from Season One). Episode numbers 38 through 61 are here, divided among the three single-sided discs, and shown in their original video and audio presentation. Video ratio is Full-Frame (1.33:1); while the audio comes via Dolby Digital 2.0 Mono tracks (in English only). No DVD player-generated subtitles here though, which is odd since Seasons 1 and 2 included them.
Picture quality, generally-speaking, seems OK here. Far from perfect; but OK. These shows, like the first two seasons of the series as well, were shot on "Tape", and not film. And from past DVD releases of "taped" programs, this usually means a generally less-appealing and lower-quality transfer to the digital format.
Fans should be pleased by Columbia's addition of a "Play All" feature that has been incorporated into this 3rd-season DVD package. The first two seasons didn't have this helpful "marathon" option. Good to see they've added it for this release.
Special Features are totally absent here (except for some ads for other Columbia DVD products).
But, thank goodness, this third-season set DOES include chapter stops for all episodes. The first two seasonal sets of AITF didn't have any chapter breaks, which isn't a good thing, IMO. I prefer at least a minimal number of chapter breaks on DVD products, even for a half-hour sitcom.
Especially important, in my opinion, is the inclusion of a "break" immediately following a TV program's opening titles. Such breaks *are* included in this DVD set. A chapter break of this nature is all the more important to have on these "All In The Family" episodes, due to the rather "grating" nature of Archie and Edith's opening-song rendition. After hearing Edith belt this out for the umpteenth time, in that fingernails-on-a-chalkboard way she had, I find it useful to bypass the credits most of the time. (Nothing personal against Jean Stapleton, you understand. She was marvelous as Edith Bunker. But, let's face it, she's no Judy Garland.) LOL. :)
Season Three offers up some pretty humorous programs with Archie & Edith & Company, such as: "The Bunkers And The Swingers", "Edith's Winning Ticket", "Archie And The Editorial", "Edith Flips Her Wig", and the two-parter "Mike And Gloria's Wedding". All episodes are shown in full, uncut form -- each lasting between 25 and 26 minutes (approximately).
Packaging for this set blends nicely with the first two "All In The Family" sets. The three discs are housed in a multi-panel fold-out case, which then slides into an outer cardboard slipcover. (Although, IMO, the innards of the box slide out from the wrong end of the outer slipcase, but that's a minor quibble.)
There are two subtle packaging changes/improvements on this boxed set that I really like. One being the fact that the discs can be removed from their plastic trays/hubs quite easily (which is unlike some other multi-disc DVD releases, where it's almost necessary to bend discs to their breaking point before the things can be removed from their Digipack homes).
But this AITF third-season packaging seems to be more user-friendly with regard to removing the discs from the case. Perhaps this is a sign that the DVD makers (from various companies) are really listening to consumer feedback with regard to complaints and concerns people have expressed about previously-released boxed sets where the discs were just "too tight" and difficult to remove. I commend Columbia/Tri-Star for this better packaging design.
The other small change in the packaging that I think is a good idea is the location of the "booklet pocket". This set has the booklet "right up front" (so to speak). When you first open the inner case, the multi-page booklet is right there (without having to unfold the whole case). It's easier to get at.
This is another solid season of one of the best comedy series ever to come to American television. Make room on the shelf for this DVD collection -- right next to "All In The Family" Seasons One and Two.
Episode List
I Like cheese | Alabama | 07/25/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
"1. Archie and the Editorial
2. Archie's Fraud
3. The Threat
4. Gloria and the Riddle
5. Lionel Steps Out
6. Edith Flips Her Wig
7. The Bunkers and the Swingers
8. Mike Comes Into Money
9. Flashback: Mike and Glorias Wedding 1
10. Flashback: Mike and Glorias Wedding 2
11. The Locket
12. Mikes Appendix
13. Edith's Winning Ticket
14. Archhie and the Bowling Team
15. Archie in the Hospital
16. Oh say can you see
17. Archie Goes to Far
18. Class Reunion
19. Hot Watch
20. Archie is Branded
21. Everybody Tells the Truth
22. Archie Learns His Lesson
23. Gloria, The Victim
24. THe Battle of the Month"
B. Janssen | HEERLEN, Limburg Netherlands | 05/11/2004
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I haven't seen it yet, since it hasn't been released. Nevertheless, I've already seen some episodes of season 3 on TV and it is hilarious, like the other seasons! A great timeless show, for which you keep laughing no matter how often you've seen it.
Finally, they brought another season on DVD, and I hope they will continu the series on dvd! I also hope they will release the other seasons in a faster rate. This is ridiculous, more than a year between the release of seasons!
Come on, columbia, let's get this release of the show in the second gear, and bring out the other seasons asap!"
One of the greatest shows in TV history!
Britt Gillette | Chesapeake, VA USA | 04/19/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
"The #1 Nielsen rated program from 1971 to 1976, All In The Family is quite simply one of the greatest television programs in history. Inspired by The Honeymooners and The Flintstones, All In The Family features its own loud-mouthed, opinionated blowhard sporting a hidden soft and sensitive side. Like Ralph Kramden and Fred Flintstone, Archie Bunker fulfills his role to absolute perfection, and the result is TV magic. Well-written and outright hilarious, All In The Family broke ground in the 70's with its willingness to tackle all the social issues and societal taboos of its day. Topics included racism, bigotry, sexism, homosexuality, death, and other namby-pam, socialist and liberal-feminist ideals (or at least that's how Archie would put it!) A titan among television sitcoms, All In The Family spawned a pair of shows which topped the ratings in their own right - Maude and The Jeffersons...
Carroll O'Connor plays the role of Archie Bunker, the titular head of the Bunker household. Loud and crass, Archie freely dispenses his bigoted remarks and ignorant comments from the living room of his Queens, New York home. Joining Archie is his loving and ditsy wife Edith (Jean Stapelton), his beautiful and progressive daughter Gloria (Sally Struthers), and her ultra-liberal husband Mike (Rob Reiner) whom Archie refers to as "Meathead". As Gloria and Mike's modern ideas clash with Archie's old school beliefs, all hell breaks loose in the Bunker household, but the Bunkers don't spend all their time arguing as they're inevitably held together by the immutable bond of love...
The All In The Family (Season 3) DVD features a number of hilarious episodes including the season premiere "Archie and the Editorial" in which Archie ardently defends his anti-gun control views on a TV editorial show, only to be held up by a pair of muggers wielding a gun when he leaves the station. The incident causes Archie to transform into a gun control advocate... Other notable episodes from Season 3 include "Lionel Steps Out" in which Lionel Jefferson takes Archie's niece out on the town (peeving Archie who believes whites and blacks don't mix), and "Mike's Appendix" in which Archie and Gloria fight over the credentials of female doctors when Mike is forced to have an emergency appendectomy...
Below is a list of episodes included on the All In The Family (Season 3) DVD:
Episode 38 (Archie and the Editorial)
Episode 39 (Archie's Fraud)
Episode 40 (The Threat)
Episode 41 (Gloria and the Riddle)
Episode 42 (Lionel Steps Out)
Episode 43 (Edith Flips Her Whig)
Episode 44 (The Bunkers and the Swingers)
Episode 45 (Mike Comes Into Money)
Episode 46 (Flashback: Mike and Gloria's Wedding: Part 1)
Episode 47 (Flashback: Mike and Gloria's Wedding: Part 2)