THE LITTLE PRINCESS — It is the Victorian Era in London, England, and little Sara Crewe(Shirley Temple) is forced to enter a boarding school while her affluent, widowed father (Ian Hunter) heads off to fight in the Boer War... more ». Sara is charming and unpretentious despite her father's wealth and high society status. At first the staff behaves as if she is royalty, but when her father is reported as having been slain in the war, the tide swiftly turns, and she becomes the personal servant of the headmistress. Sara is forced to dress in rags and sleep in a poorly insulated attic. There she endures the weather, the drudgery of tedious tasks, the headmistress's harsh treatment and her even harsher words. Although her world has been turned upside down and she finds herself living a strange and brutal existence, her willful spirit and unfailing optimism that her father will return, overshadow her unhappy existence and prove that she is indeed a little princess.
The original and grandest version of this well-known tale paints an exotic world of primitive peasant villages, dense, dark jungles, and alluring lagoons - all of which compose the surroundings of Mowgli (Sabu), a boy raised by wolves. Although Mowgli loves his world and is able to communicate with his animal companions, somewhere within himself he harbors a longing to return to his human roots and to the village of his birth. Once there, however, the villagers turn against him in a fit of greed when they discover that he has knowledge of a buried treasure. It is up to him to save his family from these gluttonous villains. The greedy treasure hunters follow Mowgli to where the riches are hidden. There, greed turns to murder as each villager vies to take it all, and as all hell breaks loose, the film delves even deeper into sinister suspense.
Special Feature(s): Digitally Remastered; Trivia Quiz; Biography of Rudyard Kipling« less