New breeze in the Mecha animes!
Niko | 01/26/2007
(5 out of 5 stars)
"OK people, what is Fafner?
Before I get into the story, I will try to answer a hypothetical question first: Who should not and who should watch Fafner.
To begin with, if you are a die-hard fan of Evangelion or Gundam etc. than most probably you will not want to watch this one because it has some similarities with the previous mention animes indeed; and you most probably will `blow away' a great anime like this. On the other hand, people who would like to watch a very good anime, with strong storyline, twists, romance, lots of action and of course Mechas (belongs to the so called sci-fi category) than you should watch this one.
Let us proceed to the storyline:
It starts with the life of people, teenagers going to school, adults to work etc. by introducing the viewer to their everyday life. The place where the story starts is called Tatsumiya Island. To make the long story short, aliens attack earth and obviously the Island gets under attack, devastating their lives and throwing the teenagers into battle; basically, because they are the ones who are able to fly the Mechas. Additionally, power games will start to evolve, exhausting battles all over the globe will occur, between sort of government and military parties etc. and all the teenagers are caught in the middle of all this. As the series proceed, many questions will be raised (which will be answered - directly or indirectly - in the end of the series), the bounds between the main protagonists will become stronger (and of course romance), the viewer will witness all the emotional rollercoaster that these youngsters will go through and some of them will even die.
This sums up the story. I could get into more details and tell you what will go on in every episode but I refrained myself from doing this because I believe that if someone decides to watch the series than I would give away the entire suspense and twists of it.
Overall critique about the series:
If you are into Mechas for a while, then most probably you have watched Mecha series and are familiar with the common pattern that this kind of animes are following: teenagers are the ones who can fly the Mechas, alien invasion, battles, romance, power games etc (as for the good guy vs. bad guy, in the Mecha series this usually presents a grey zone). Therefore, why should someone watch Fafner? If you are not into animes for a long time, should you watch Fafner?
The answer would be yes. First of all, because of its animation, which is very good. Second, because of its storyline, which although is based on the common pattern that is been explained above, yet, it manages to bring forth new ideas, a solid and strong storyline, many twists and mainly till the final episodes you will not be able to foresee its final conclusion. Even if you are a die-hard fan of Evangelion, RahXephon etc. this one is definitely worth a watch from you. As for the action, the series are packed with it. Third, because of its dub; in other words, if you belong to the category of people that instead of Japanese would prefer the English dub, it is very good done and professional orchestrated. Thumbs up!
Apart from it, if you buy the box set or the complete collection, then the box is exactly the one you see in the picture, which is very strong, like a shelf and doesn't brake easily. As for extras, the usual stuff like previews of other animes, not credit opening/ending and so forth.
To the most obvious question: Buying it or not? To be honest, if you can afford the money than I will definitely recommend these series to you, if, you can not afford the money than try to rent it and watch it.
To conclude these series are highly recommended!
I hope that I could help you...