Henriksen highlight in
becky robison | ft. worth, texas United States | 10/21/2001
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Veteran actor Lance Henriksen (Stone Cold, Aliens) again sets himself apart in this low-budget thriller with his "mad man behind the scenes" character that serves him so well. Always setting himself apart someway, be it dress, behavior or both, to create a stand-out bad guy. He is joined with other low-budget film greats that have proved their merit. Bruce Payne (Warlock III), Shannon Tweed (No Contest) and Jayne Heitmeyer (Sci-Fighters). Ms. Tweed kicks [behind] to save the day in this action thriller. But it's really great to get to see this many low-budget actors working together. Surely they had fun. The film is worth a look and one to buy if you collect Mr. Henriksen's works."
Shannon Unbound...
Bindy Sue Frønkünschtein | under the rubble | 07/25/2009
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Shannon Tweed (Of Unknown Origin) plays Sharon, an actress visiting her sister's art gallery. It's a pleasant visit up until the group of homicidal criminals shows up! Sharon finds herself up against terrorists, led by the loathesome Mr. Dengler (Lance Henriksen from Aliens, Pumpkinhead, Near Dark, etc.). Sharon must shift from über-hot celebrity into über-hot commando mode in order to deal w/ Dengler and his ruthless cohorts, and rescue her sister and her friends. Both Tweed and Henriksen are perfect in their roles, actually raising the material above the usual DIE HARD-clone, action rubbish. Yes, there's gunfire, explosions, and karate, but it's well handled, and the plot is fairly engaging. The finalé, when Dengler gets what's coming to him, is a horrifically gooshy classic!..."