If there's no image, you most likely are not getting what's
M. Jones | 02/29/2008
(1 out of 5 stars)
"When amazon places a book and a video together you would think they belong together. Don't buy anything that states "no image available". I didn't receive what was advertised both times I ordered the product. The book Fish! does not go with the DVD Fish!, they are selling a video about fish, not about customer service pike fish market."
Shipped wrong "Fish" to Australia
Mrs. P. Ennis | Brisbane, Australia | 03/12/2008
(1 out of 5 stars)
"I also was under the impression this DVD went with the "Fish!" motivational book. $20 to have a stupid documentary about fish sent all the way to Australia. I eagerly waited 6 weeks for my exciting "Fish" DVD, to share with my workmates - I just hope they have forgotten and don't ask me where it is - HOW EMBARRASSING !!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
The bundle was not as advertised
Jeffery Ryan | 03/06/2008
(1 out of 5 stars)
"I ordered the motivational book and video, and was sent the right book and some stupid documentary about fish."
Fish DVD
P. Harsch | CO, USA | 05/09/2008
(1 out of 5 stars)
"This was not what we thought it was. It was advertised with the FISH! book, and has no relation to the book. It was very misleading."
Memories that last a lifetime
Meredith Everitt | Oklahoma, United States | 04/24/2009
(4 out of 5 stars)
"I watched all these videos as a child and they began a lifelong love of natural science for me! They have a way of making science interesting for children. I recommend them!