Robert Ginty, Christopher George and Samantha Eggar star in the Director's Cut of one of the most savagely satisfying revenge flicks ever made. Action fans will love this riveting story of John Eastland (Ginty), a Vietnam... more » vet who launches an explosive, bloody vendetta against the New York underworld when his best freind is ambused and brutally beaten by a vicious street gang.« less
S. Corbin | 11/23/2005
(2 out of 5 stars)
"Ok I thought the Anchor Bay re-release of this film a few years ago would be the LAST and final time this FANTASTIC movie would see the light of day. Then only last month I find out that TANGO? Entertainment has slated to release this film and it has been digitally REMASTERED!!!SWEET.I then read that this will ONLY be available FULLSCREEN not in Widescreen. BIG DISAPPOINTMENT!! So today the disc arrives. The packaging is super cheap and nothing to it.However I NEVER judge a disc on that. So i pop the disc in...well Yeah HURRAY it is in WIDESCREEN HOWEVER THIS HAS NOT BEEN REMASTERED!!!!!!!!It is exactly the same poor print Anchor Bay was shoving in our faces. So these guys pick up ther print from Anchor Bay and slap it in a new box. Check out the Green Background scenes AND the Rooftop scenes (always a good point to see those nicks and scratches)This is pathetic. This film MORE than deserves a proper release. If you OWN the Anchor Bay cut of this then keep it and skip this. If not then pick it up. I am only giving this dvd 2 starts due to the fact that I am only pleased to see it back out and about. Even if has been done POORLY so."
Flame Out for "The Exterminator"?.
M. Keft | VIC, AUSTRALIA | 03/26/2006
(1 out of 5 stars)
"Having still in my posession an original vhs of the movie,totally uncut,and worn out I might add,it was with much anticipation that I opened my recently released Directors Cut of The Exterminator dvd here in Australia, expecting to see once again,those intermittent, believably, gory scenes, albeit mixed in with a sometimes slow plot and totally unneccessary love affair between Christopher George and Samantha Eggar,in a new digital masterpiece.But..scenes were cut out,none others added, as stated on the cover,the print was 1980's poor ( by today's standards),and the sound was low quality. Lets get this movie digitally re-edited and remastered properly, by somebody who knows how,and let The Exterminator live on in style."
Patrick Miller | NEW YORK | 03/19/2007
(5 out of 5 stars)
"The Exterminator was made before big budget movies like the The Terminator 1984 and Terminator 2 - Judgment Day (Extreme DVD) 1991, Exterminator relied on a low budget and some great acting and guts. I will say The Exterminator was, and is a blueprint for all hollywood vigilante type films after 1980, that even "Titanic 1997" director James Cameron has seen and took notice of. People have complained about a properer release of "The Exterminator". I agree, I wish this 1998 Anchor Bay release had some extra features, interviews, Director comments and of course "Exterminator" Trailers. This film is presented in its original widescreen 1:85:1. I think the film transfer of this film to dvd is excellent and again another fine Anchor Bay release. The roof scene with the pigeons you do see some dust lines, but that was because the of this films low budget. Anchor Bay did the best film tranfer of this limited film quality. Yeah!! I know this is a Death Wish ripoff,(Death Wish,Death Wish 2, but beleive me "The Exterminator" has its shining moments. The music by Joe Renzetti is very realistically inspiring and captures the mood of the film well. The most realistic part was when "The Exterminator" John Eastland picks up a prostitute and brings her to a hotel. As the prostitute removes her blouse John notices that her breasts have been burned. When John questions her about what happened to her, she is very defensive at first, than as she explains to John that she was burned with a soddering iron, Joe Renzettis somber music score plays in the background, you really feel the womans pain, This scene with the acting, along with the music score really got to my heart. "The Exterminator" gets ripped for being a cheap Death Wish knock off but to me with its brutal scenes capture the crime ridden streets of New York in 1979-1980. Director James Glickenhause saw this problem and put this into "The Exterminator". Terms like "Chicken House" were real and did exists at that time and unfortunatly still do into the 21st century. Glickenhause did not sugar coat anything and laid reality all out in "The Exterminator". Glickenhause's message was "If the authorities can't control these sadistic criminals, than maybe a vietnam veteran that is somewhat off keel, can rid the New York streets of these animals. "Exterminator John Eastland" even undermineded the Goverment and all the corrupt New York Politicians, another Glickenhause message about corrupted politicians just letting these criminals ruin and control the honest persons lifestyle. The Exterminator might be dated and considered a Death Wish ripoff, to me I think "The Exterminator" is a very realistic film that captures the seedy crime ridden streets of a 1979-1980 New York. The acting is brilliant for a film of this genre. I really began to like this guy John Eastland, and how he beleived one man can make a difference even though it was illegal. Actor Robert Ginty who plays Eastland was not a georgeous Chippendale model but an average looking joe like anybody else, I guess that is why this guy Eastland appealed to me. James Glickenhause clearly researched this film as far as criminal activity in the streets of New York at this time. "The Exterminator" is a true all around great vigilante film, in my opinion the best of all of them, Yes! even the Death Wish Films, which I do like. People will knock "The Exterminator" believe me it is a well thought out film by director James Glickenhause. You may rip The Exterminator for being a Death Wish ripoff or its really low budget, but I will say it definintly is a blueprint for all vigilante type films after 1980. Again a nice remastered film transfer by the people at Anchor Bay..........."
Not a bad Death Wish knock off!
Patrick Miller | 06/28/2004
(4 out of 5 stars)
"It has a low budget and a cast of actors that anyone outside of the B Movie fan circles is unfamiliar with but that doesn't stop it from being one of the better revenge movies from the 80's. It's outlined by a simple plotline about a vietnam vet, played by Robert Ginty (the Paperchase guy), whose friend is paralyzed by wild gang members in the New York City wildlands. Fed up with the justice system, he takes matters into his own hands.The biggest appeal of this movie is the minimalist style of the scenery. It's very gritty and grimy and has all the earmarks of a great grindhouse movie. The violence, which is unfortunately spaced too far apart to be consistent, is unbelievably brutal for an American made movie with an R rating. Also, most of the press from the time pushed the imagery of the flame thrower. While it's an essential element of the sequel, which badly needs a quality DVD release, it only makes an appearance once in this offering.If you're a fan of cheesy movies and exploitation, don't pass this one up."
John H. Nielsen jr. | Manchester, NH United States | 12/20/2002
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Great film for the low budget i am sure they had to work with,and pretty decent acting all around especially steve james who is only in about the first quarter of the film.Worth renting for slow evening."