The real experiment in torture is sitting through this movie
Rekrul | New England | 10/22/2007
(1 out of 5 stars)
"Have you ever seen one of those short films that college students make in their spare time? Now imagine one of those padded out to feature length and you have this film.
The acting is horrible, everything takes place off camera since there was obviously no budget for any kind of special effects. The few times a makeup effect appears onscreen, the camera shakes all over the place like there was an earthquake during filming, while the image goes in and out of focus. This is done to hide the fact that the "makeup" is just a couple pieces of rubber glued onto the person's skin. It literally looks like they took a hunk of rubber, painted it pink and stuck it on the actors.
You can find better amateur films on YouTube.
Bad acting, bad effects, bad camera work, and a bad story add up to a bad movie! Don't waste your money."
How To Make a Torture Film Boring
William H. Kelsey | the planet of Vulcan | 05/14/2008
(1 out of 5 stars)
"Somehow, the creators of this "lovely menage" managed to do just that. How can a film that is supposed to show hot strippers being menaced and tortured be boring, you ask? Well, for one thing, the strippers (and from their "acting" skills, I would venture to guess that they actually were in real life) were long past their prime and looked like the poor single mums working the local dive to pay for their five kids in the trailor. There wasn't a hot one amongst them. As for nudity, there was about as much flesh exposed as Janet Jackson's little Superbowl fest: if you blinked, you missed it. Second, the lighting was so poor that half the time you can't even see what's going on (not like you're missing much). Third, I guess that the director wanted to do a "Blair Witch" type of film (which I hated) and shot it very little budget with jerky camera angles. Fourth, there really was no torture, just alot of poor acting and girls pretending to be on LSD or something. Lame. Finally, the story was awful. Another review described this as a battle of "good and evil"; perhaps we had seen different films. That was "Silence of the Lambs", not this sorry waste of 90 minutes. There is literally no story. They borrowed abit from the first "Batman" and used a deformed guy who wants to "beautify" women by destroying their faces, but it falls so flat (much like the chicks' bustlines!). To close, skip this one. If you want a good torture film that has a storyline, some intelligence, and hot chicks, go buy or rent "Hostel". These knockoff versions are unwatchable."
When your movie/date turns out to be a tease....
The JuRK | Our Vast, Cultural Desert | 04/19/2008
(1 out of 5 stars)
"When I saw the Lionsgate logo on the box, I was prepared for a low-budget but perhaps semi-professional film in the "torture porn" genre of modern horror films, the disturbing spawn of the "slasher" film genre. To be honest, I haven't seen any of the SAW or HOSTEL films so I thought I'd watch a few rip-offs before subjecting myself to those franchises. I was never a fan of the bloodbath and I think the psycho as villain has been done to death, but this is where the horror films are going.
Yikes, just walk through a Blockbuster or Hollywood video store and you'll see dozens of these films along the walls.
I rented EXPERIMENT IN TORTURE because it had the simplest story I'd read: a group of strippers are lured to a remote house in the wilderness and fall into the clutches of a deranged "death artist." (HALLOWEEN also had a simple plot like that in 1978: an unstoppable evil psycho stalks babysitters on Halloween).
EXPERIMENT IN TORTURE ends up being a complete tease. It doesn't deliver on anything. Half of the characters were strippers but, after an opening scene in a strip club, you'd never know it. They could've been grocery cashiers or sorority girls after that. The B-movies of the 70s and 80s had far more sexuality than any of these newer films.
The script was a mess and the acting, for the most part, didn't help. The movie looks like it was shot with a camcorder by someone with a nervous disorder. If you can't afford a tripod, how about using a table or chair? I used a shopping cart in film school. The sound was based on the proximity of the actor (if he or she was more than three feet from the camera, you probably weren't going to hear them).
Girls were menaced in a house and various groups of guys were trying to get to them, either to rescue them or kill them. I'm not really sure who was doing what.
I really liked Jessica Montanez, one of the actresses, and hope to see her do more movies. She has piercing eyes, a smokin' figure, and looks great on camera. Even the palsied camera used for EXPERIMENT IN TORTURE."