Yes, the producers of the most demented anime ever produced are getting desperate, so in order to keep up the ratings, Excel and Hyatt find themselves facing new, Highly Merchandisable Characters, gimmick episodes and ev... more »en SEXUAL JEOPARDY (I'll take "lesbian android overtures for $100, Alex!") It's all in the service of Ilpalazzo and ACROSS as our favorite set of social misfits once again plunges into the breach as the plot sickens... er, thickens... in the fourth incredibly bizarre volume of Excel Saga!« less
"Okay, many have said that this volume is less funny than the previous volumes, but after watching these episodes I have to strongly disagree. I didn't laugh as much on the last disc, but this volume is well worth watching.Episode 14: The J.C. Staff is stumped on what should be done for the next half of Excel Saga, so they introduce Ropponmatsu, an android working for Kabupu and developed by a scientist with a fetish for young children.
Parodies: Excel Saga producers, Intel Celeron processor, Powerepuff Girls.Episode 15: The J.C. Staff is in another pickles since they made way too much merchandise on Ropponmatsu after she was destroyed. So they rewrite her back into the show with the inclusion of Ropponmatsu 2.
Parodies: Astro Boy, Nintento, Summer of Youth.Episode 16: The Ropponmatsus are rewritten back into the show AGAIN! This time, both of them form a romantic relationship with Excel and Hyatt.
Parodies: Speed Racer, Armored Trooper VOTOMS, Zambot 3, Space Battleship Yamato.Episode 17: Excel and Hyatt are sent to observe America and wind up in some odd situations involving the mafia and Sandora. So many paroides in this episode!
Parodies: Puni Puni Poemi, DiGi Charrot, Rocky, Sailor Moon, Wonder Woman, The Simpsons, Mickey Mouse, Sleeping Beauty, Walt Disney World, Naussica, Planet of the Apes, Dune.These episodes had a different flow to them, but they did work for me. I was very curious as to how ADV would dub Episode 17 since there were some English-dialogue jokes in it, but they succeeded with a mix of ghetto and Spanish slang. They even made a joke about Sailor Moon being dubbed in Canada. I really thought this episode was going to descriminate against American animation, but, to some degree, it's really not bashed so much in this episode. After all, Excel does shout "VIVA ANIMATION" referring to all animation.The extras on this disc are different from the past volumes, but they were actually cool to look at. There is an interview with the main voice actress for Puni Puni, as well as some comparison videos on the opening sequence. And for those who can't wait for Puni Puni Poemi, there is a small trailer for it on the disc. The special insert this time is a make-a-face cut out game.Overall, if you liked the series thus far and will love it no matter what, by all means pick up this volume. Episode 17 is more than enough reason to but this. It's probably one of the best episodes in Excel Saga and will easily make even the most jaded anime fan laugh."
Haaaaaail Ilpalazzo!!!
Anthony Volpe | Collegeville, PA United States | 01/11/2003
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Before i say anything else, be assured that Larissa Wolcott was a fantastic choice to replace Jessica Calvello as Excel. I still miss Jessica, but Larissa did juuuust fine.The DVD itself is excellent, although the animation in Episode 15 was kinda weak, but the directors' song at the end more than made up for it. Episodes 16 and 17 are the most solid and the most funny ones in the series. Episode 17 must be watched in both English and Japanese, however, otherwise you will miss the infamous and horribly pronounced "HELLO! MERRY CHRISTMAS! I'M EXCEL-OO! YOU ARE DOG!" Episode 16[was left uncensored] .It remains to be seen whether or not Episode 26 will be left uncensored though!!!"
Downhill the series goes...
kubleriv | Moore, oklahoma USA | 01/27/2003
(3 out of 5 stars)
"Well, with half the series gone and done with i eagerly waited for Vol. 4 of this drug to appear... It did, but only to disappoint. Vol. 1&2 were some of the funniest hours of my viewing life, Vol.3 left much to be desired, and now Vol.4 has made me rethink my wish to buy all the DVDs. The new voice actress for the part of Excel ( who would probably be good as another part) failed to properly fill her predecessors shoes. It seems that a few of the Key voice actors changed. ( these changes of course are only minor since most would rather listen to the original dubbing.) But the humor is also becoming soggy. The laughs are forced, and the humor is less than what should come from the writers of Excel Saga. I only hope that whoever they choose to do the voices for Puni Puni Poemi can do the job.By all means, do watch, but dont be shocked if you find it uneasy to bear the changes."
The Madness Continues
AstroNerdBoy | Denver, CO | 01/19/2003
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Well, you made it through 13 episodes, you might wonder what more could happen? Well, that's pretty much how episode 14 starts with the writers and director (Nabeshin) all pondering this very question. Their solution? Introduce a new character (or two) and we are off to the races! So say hello to Ropponmatsu and Ropponmatsu II.This DVD contains episodes 14-17 of the series. The same crazy nature you've come to expect still exists with looks at Japanese lolita fetishes, lesbianism, anime in America, merchandising, and more. The lolita and young "kawaii" lesbian nature of some of the episodes (in satire form) began pushing the line for me. However, I understand they are not doing this as an [inexpensive] thrill, but to poke fun at the Japanese culture where this exists.Story-wise, in addition to the normal parody nature of the series, the thin arc of a plot begins to gain a bit of weight here. We see that the Safety Assurance Agency was created to block Across's efforts to take over the city. Not directly, as they don't know who's doing all of this consipracy activity, but they know something is going on. For those wondering if the new (English) voice would pass the test, she does. The rest of the English dub is pretty good. The Menchi pop-up extra is back (great!). The various subtitle options & Japanese language option are included as are the standard ADV previews. There are a few "hidden" extras around, but you have to find them. The menu interface is the worst done of the first four DVD's.Bottom line: If you liked the first 13 episodes of Excel Saga, you'll love this DVD."
Better, but get 5
Gabriel | Guam, islands! | 03/09/2003
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I like all the volumes, so I can't say I hate this. The animation can get poor, but I can deal with it. The new voice actress for Excel was super annoying to listen to in thebeginning. I liked Jessica a lot, and her voice was what made me like Excel. She was able to talk so fast and make funny expressions. I was use to the new voice later. But I miss Jessica. The new characters in the DVD are robots built by the...acting man Shioji who likes watching cute little anime girls, and that's why the Ropponmatsu's look hot. The produces are always complaing they need something before each episode. They sound funny. There is shoujo ai in ep. 16. The Ropponmatsu 2 is ripping Excel's clothes off, but you only get to see shadow shots and censoring. There isn't much Matsuya sighting. The last is when Excel and Hyatt fall to America. Excel is funny when she insults the American boys and talk Spanish. In Japanese, they talk English."