The EWE KNOW series is full of irresistible, song-filled escapades featuring a woolly flock of sheep under the tender and wise care of the Great Shepherd. Although they mean well, our adventurers often stray into precariou... more »s situations which put them in the path of the wily, but inept, pack of wolves constantly on the prowl for a tasty meal. The ever-watchful eye of the Great Shepherd is always close by to steer them to the right path, protect them from harm, and help them learn valuable lessons. Chapter 1 - Who Do Ewe Follow? - A lesson on following the Great Shepherd
Spunky decides to lead the flock to the Pond. But with leadership comes responsibility and courage against unknown dangers. Who does the flock really need to follow? Chapter 2 - Who Do Ewe Trust? - A lesson on trusting the Great Shepherd
The day of the field trip has arrived. Noils takes too much stuff because he doesn't trust anyone but himself. But is he truly prepared for the adventure that awaits?« less