This was an entertaining film, but it just wasn't as good as
T. H. Zoombid | 08/21/2007
(2 out of 5 stars)
"I first saw the DVD at an FYE in a Mall I go to. I thought it looked like a bad movie. I then saw the Trailer at I didn't know it was a Troma film until then. A lot of the covers for Troma movies have a lot of crazy stuff on them, so I decided to find out more about this film. I finally wanted to see it, so after months of looking for it, I ordered it from amazon. When It came in I was so excited and watched it. After I watched it I just sat there wondering what the f**k I just watched. This movie was weird.
This was an entertaining film, but it just wasn't as good as I expected it to be. The movie is about Two dirty cops, Danny GLover (Has nothing to do with the actor) and Sonny Boy. After a series of dead dogs bodies appearing around london and finding human remains in a hamburger from a fast food franchise called Burger Priest, they suspect Burger Priest, which has Nazi Clown Chefs cooking the food and is run by the Pope, is behind all of this, and is also connected to a series of murders done by a shark monster out for revenge. At the same time a character played by an alchoholic puppet in a wheelchair named Ellen Mellon, and a heroin addicted fetus that Glover named Fetie, is out to help them stop burger priest.
The movie is supposed to be a dark comedy, but I didn't find the movie funny at all! I found a couple scenes gross. What was up with all the Tom Hanks jokes anyway. Those were random and pointless. The movie was filmed in digital video. The scenes where the shark monster attacks people are pretty cool. I think that's because they did the whole sped up video and shaking camera effect."
A new low for both Troma and the British Empire
S. Boone | Louisville, KY | 03/28/2007
(1 out of 5 stars)
"The description of this sounded good, anyway, too bad the movie is about negative 50 on a scale of 1 to 5, with one being the lowest, so that's how I rated it. Strictly amateur hour stuff, with horrible acting, horrible effects, a lame plot, and SUPER DUPER bad production values. And yes I know that's what made Troma great. Or that's what THEY say, anyway. This reminded me of another terrible British flick I saw a few years ago called "Zombie Toxin" but none of the names seem to tie these together. Had I been in any way connected with "Zombie Toxin" I'd go under another name for the rest of my life to avoid detection, too, but I swear there's certain people in Evolved that were also in that other travesty. Anyway, this can safely be avoided unless you do a lot of drugs that keep you immobile for long periods of time and you need something to focus on, otherwise, stay the hell away."