Great series, but I wish it would explain more of the MECHAN
Greg | Brooklyn Park, Mongolia | 04/07/2009
(4 out of 5 stars)
"This is a terrific and timely series (it being the 200th birthday of Charles Darwin and the 150th anniverary of the publication of "Origin of Species"), and the presentation here is worthy of attention. The narration, the photography...everything about this series from The History as good as you would hope.
My problem with it is, while the series documents the results of evolution in splendid detail, it gives short shrift to HOW evolution achieves its wonders. For example, despite the iconic role that the human eye once played in creationist arguments, the evolution of vision is now pretty well-understood. See, for example, "Endless Forms Most Beautiful" by Sean Carroll, or "Why Evolution is True" by Jerry Coyne for an explanation of eye evolution. But in the episode on eye evolution, while much was made of the results of natural selection, very little was said about what natural selection was acting upon--that is, the type of genetic mutations and so forth that resulted, ultimately, in camera-like eyes, and especially color vision.
I have found this to be true in other episodes within the series as well. Perhaps the concern was that information on the "how" of evolution, being both more speculative and complex, did not lend itself as well to TV presentation as did footage of ancient organisms and present-day examples of evolution's RESULTS. But the fact is, many people remain profoundly ignorant of the most basic facts about how evolution works. It's hard not to think that, despite what this series can mean for the informed (a whirl-wind tour of evolution's greatest hits), it's a missed opportunity educationally. And it didn't have to be ponderous. People like Neil Shubin with "Your Inner Fish" and especially Carl Zimmer with such books as "At the Water's Edge" have shown just how entertaining--even awe-inspiring--the facts of evolution can be.
I would recommend "Evolve" to anyone who enjoys nature. But I would not feel satisfied that they yet knew very much. For that, other resources must be relied upon. Perhaps that's the series' greatest value, then. To stir up curiosity and promote further learning."
Science Starts HERE
HDTwoodsman | NY | 05/15/2009
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I just bought this series for a friend to watch with his 13 and 11 year old sons. While there are many great science series available for parents to watch with teens, 'Evolve' stands out. It explores current evolutionaries findings while utilizing recent breakthroughs in video programming. This combination of information with imagery makes for a facinating production.
The series also offers insightful commentary from a handful of scientists. Each episode sets aside time for experiments. These exhibitions seem especially beneficial to young viewers; allowing them to witness the steps taken in reaching particular theories.
Teaching evolution to kids in their early teens is the best introduction to real science. Unlike courses such as chemistry and phyics, the basic concept of evolution is easy to understand and offers room for discovery.
Parents should watch this series with their kids. It's not the type of show to viewed in one sitting, but over time, could inspire a career in science. Or, at the very least, introduce both parent and child to a lifetime of discovery.
Darwin would be proud!
Joshua | 04/01/2009
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I saw this series when it aired on the History Channel and it was the first time I was compelled to set a History Channel series to record on my DVD-R. It is beautifully done and well explained, almost to the point that it has been oversimplified. If their is a complaint, it is that it may seem oversimplified to those of us who are already well-educated in respect to the material. Never-the-less I am buying to DVD and will enjoy watching it over and over again!!!"
Evolution made compelling
Zoltan Nemes-Nemeth | 05/27/2009
(5 out of 5 stars)
"if you like a science series that is full of information but still romps along, leaving you hungry for the next installment, try Evolve. Dividing the complexities of evolution into detailed topics such as eyes, guts and communication creates really compelling episodes. Contemporary researchers solve a few evolutionary conundrums along the way, coming up with some surprising answers. There's lots of weird critters on show, except suddenly they make a lot more sense. I'm happy to give Evolve a place on the shelf alongside Walking With Dinosaurs and The Shape of Life."