It's a fraud to even call this thing a "movie"
Bud Bundy | MN USA | 09/23/2008
(1 out of 5 stars)
"I bought this expecting some fun little low budget mummy movie. What I got was...almost beyond belief. The acting is like - remember when you were in high school, and the teacher made someone read aloud from the book to the class? That's the way most of the dialog in this movie is spoken. I kid you not. I expect that when I buy a movie, the actors will have some level of experience, maybe they even attended a class or something. I don't pay money for a movie to see people standing in front of a camera and reciting lines for the first time in their life.
As far as the story, some ancient Egyptian girl kills herself in order to gain immortality, then in the present day some people - you thought I was going to say "dig her up" or "break into her tomb", didn't you? Nope, they find her fiberboard coffin laying out on the ground. They open it up and someone off-camera tosses black plastic scorpions at them.
Okay, next scene - we meet our characters. The girls spend some time sitting in their Toyota Rav 4 discussing how sleazy they are. Then they drive to some apartment and meet a couple of guys. This scene has to be one of the more embarrassing things ever caught on film. Or video, I should say. After a few beers and some fully-clothed "sex", they go to class. Now, you might be expecting a classroom? Nope, how about 6 people sitting at a folding table? Their "professor" tells them about some Egyptian stuff, the students make Beavis and Butthead style comments. Then the professor opens the ancient Egyptian coffin and the evil is unleashed. Well, some smoke is blown into the room. We're treated to oodles of truly awful acting.
Yeah, mummy appears every now and then and does a strip-tease, causing the guys to become hypnotized, then she kills them. It goes on and on. Did I mention recently that all the acting is like high school kids reading aloud for the class?
Overall, ordering this "movie" from Amazon, and then getting's like ordering a novel and getting a ninth grader's English homework instead. I love low budget trash, but this is just some student film project that somehow, unbelievably, managed to get distribution."