Meet EEBEE, a vintage bong with the mysterious power to make all your fantasies come true. Hypnotized by EEBEE's seductive feminine appearance, college nerd ALISTAIR McDOWELL and his stoner roommates take a toke and EEBEE... more » takes them on a wild trip to her« less
An ultra-low-budget, retarded-on-purpose stoner horror comedy flick from Charles "Puppet Master" Band's Full Moon Studios.
After a stoner buys a supposedly "cursed" bong online, he and his hesher roommates smoke from it and are drawn one by one into "Bong World," an alternate dimension that's populated by strippers that wear carnivorous bras. The only hope to stop Evil Bong from taking over the world is...CHAINSAW WIELDING TOMMY CHONG!! I swear, I'm not making any of this up.
...seriously, folks, I'm at a loss for words to describe this flick. This is quite possibly the most random movie I've seen in decades, or perhaps EVER, yet I laughed all the way through it. I guess I must be easily amused.
2 of 2 member(s) found this review helpful.
James B. (wandersoul73) from LINDALE, TX Reviewed on 7/19/2009...
This was good ol' corny Full Moon fun!
3 of 3 member(s) found this review helpful.
Movie Reviews
Not a movie for the humor impaired
J. Cunningham | Atlanta, Georgia USA | 11/14/2006
(4 out of 5 stars)
"I can't beleive the first review posted here for this movie ! the guy actally said he had a problem with it because "nothing is beliveable" why would anyone expect anything in a Tommy Chong movie to be beliveable? I thought it was very funny and even if you don't have an odd sense of humor like I do, you should buy this movie just to give the rude gesture to departed Attorney General Ashcroft and the rest of the Bushies . If anyone ever makes a believable movie about a magic bong, please let me know. SHEESH ! You can tell what to expect here from the title alone."
Just Say No.
Stanley Runk | Camp North Pines | 07/01/2008
(3 out of 5 stars)
"Yeah, I know you've stared down this box while browsing at the local video store, wondering if it's really worth your time and money. Well, thankfully I watched it for ya and I'd honestly have to say that you might wanna leave it alone. It wasn't THAT bad(I watched the whole thing so I guess that's something), I know I've certainly seen worse.
The story deals with a group of stoners who purchase a bong from New Orleans that supposedly has a curse on it. Well, it certainly does. Those who use it are zonked out of consciousness and then have their souls(we can assume it's the soul) placed inside the bong. The inside of the bong houses it's own mini universe which is a strip club. The strip club is full of hot dancers who wear Monsterbras(a new item Full Moon sells on their website). Also in the strip club/bong purgatory are many members of the Full Moon universe who make brief appearances. You'll see Ivan from Decadent Evil, the Jack In The Box from Demonic Toys, The Gingerdead Man, and Jack Deth from the Trancers films. Plus a completely pointless and unnecessary cameo from Bill Moseley.
Our stoner heroes are usually killed by one of the strippers upon entering this world, and are then doomed to spend eternity there while their real bodies die, a la Nightmare On Elm St. The stoners' new roomate is a nerdy anti-drug metaphysics student, so naturally he is instrumental in saving the day. Tommy Chong plays the bong's original owner and stops by in the final act to lend a hand at stopping the bong before it sets out to conquer the world.
It sounds a lot more fun than it is, as is pretty much the case with most of the newer Full Moon films. They have amusing concepts, but cruddy execution. Also in the same tradition is the fact that the entire film is shot in one set, in this case it's the stoners' apartment. We never leave the apartment, only in the fleeting strip club scenes. It actually seems more like a play than a movie. You should also know that when you see the name and picture of a well known actor on the cover of a Full Moon DVD, be assured that actor is in the film for less than ten minutes.
Evil Bong has a few chuckles here and there, and the cameos are cool, but it's definitely not the "High" point in Full Moon's catalog."
More Band then Chong.
T. Nelson | New Orleans, LA USA | 08/03/2007
(2 out of 5 stars)
"Only thing I thought was cool about this movie was how Band mixed a few of his other horror movie characters in it. I think reviewers are focusing on Chong too much when this isn't really a Chong movie. Chong is on the cover to get some sells. It wasn't like he was in the entire movie. He came in towards the end to put an end to this disaster of a movie. This is a Charles Band movie, and like many of his movies they're only good because they're so bad. - And this comes from a Puppet Master fanatic!"
Tommy Chong, strippers, and a midget make this one a no-brai
Sid the Elf | North Pole | 08/18/2009
(4 out of 5 stars)
"After Sid's many years of watching Full Moon films we could only assume that Charles Band and his crew had to be big time tokers considering the quality of their movies. After watching Evil Bong that thought has been confirmed, launching our enjoyment of Full Moon even higher then ever before. Only a company like this could make a horror film based on smoking weed out of a possessed bong. It's right up Sid's alley.
The film focuses on some burn outs who gain a very nerdy roommate who is against smoking bud (much like a portrayal of a young Santa). They read in the classifieds of High Times that a bong with evil powers is for sale and decide they must have it. Once they start taking their hits the bong brings them into it's world, which happens to be a strip club run by midget actor/Full Moon Alumni Phil Fondacaro, where they are held captive. Eventually the only man that can save them is the bongs original owner Tommy Chong.
Evil Bong is certainly not for the movie snob looking for a legitimate horror flick. But judging by the title we could only assume you'd steer clear of it unless you wanted low budget b goodness. In addition to some hilariously bad acting we were graced with Rock of Love contestant Brandi C playing one of the strippers. Fantastic! This was before her she attempted to hunt down "bald under his cowboy hat" washed up rocker Bret Michaels and thought she'd make it in the film world. For Sid this one was a success and certainly would have been loved in the golden days due to it's gratuitous stripper nudity and horrid acting.
Chong, Bongs, aand Boobs!
Brendan C. Peterson | Los Angeles | 07/02/2009
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Tommy Chong and Evil Bongs!!!! How can you go wrong?? There's lots of fun here. You got your group of stoners (think the gang from Half Baked but more clueless) that stumble on a bong with magic powers, but not the good kind, the bad kind... the EVIL kind. Once you smoke this bong you're sent into this evil world filled with strippers that try to kill our heroes (not a bad way to go) and now they must find a way to destroy this evil bong. Tommy Chong is hilarious as the guy who has gone up against this bong before. He's got that classic stoner's charm that has made him famous. I couldn't stop laughing at all the goofy stuff these guys were doing. This is your perfect stoner flick with hilarious moments and naked chicks. I mean, this is no masterpiece but if you like some just dumb fun entertainment it's certainly worth a watch. And I just heard that a sequel's coming out in July!!!! I can't wait to check it out. I hope they make a long line of the movies in the future."