Evict This
M. McClellan | Akron, OH USA | 05/12/2004
(1 out of 5 stars)
"This DVD features Shannon Elizabeth on the cover but she has all of maybe 10 minutes worth of screen time in the movie. I didn't spend a lot of time watching this because it became annoying pretty quickly. I kept hitting the fast forward button to the SE scenes (of which there are 2-3 max.) Two guys are being evicted from their apartment so they decide to throw a lame party. Judging by the film quality, this movie has a late 70's/early 80's feel to it except it was made in 2004. I mean the music at the party is being played with a PHONOGRAPGH for Pete's sake. (That's a LP record player to all you young guys) and there's a Rambo poster on the wall. Maybe they were striving for this look or this was truly a cheap movie in every sense. I didn't really care, the synopsis said that Shannon Elizabeth was a stripper but sorry, there is no "performance" at all. All she does in her limited time is flirt seductively with her black gangsta boyfriend/pimp. A lame cash in with less than minimal results."