Standup comedian Ray Romano stars as Ray Barone, a successful sportswriter who deals with his brother and parents, who happen to live across the street. Patricia Heaton ("The Goodbye Girl"), Peter Boyle ("While You We... more »re Sleeping"), Doris Roberts ("Remington Steele"), and Brad Garrett ("Gleason") round out the stellar cast.« less
"The episodes just keep getting better and better as Everybody Loves Raymond moves along. Season number three is no exception. Here's the Episode Guide for Season 3:
Season 3
1. The Invasion - When Ray's house is tented for termites, he moves his entire family into his parent's house and gives Frank and Marie a taste of their own medicine.
2. Driving Frank - After Frank has one accident too many, Debra decides that the kids can't ride with him anymore, which makes Raymond realize that his dad is getting older.
3. The Sitter - Debra decides to hire a babysitter so she hires Lisa. When Marie finds out that she wasn't asked to baby-sit she feels insulted and Debra feels left out when the kids prefer Lisa to her.
4. Getting Even -After embarrassing Debra at an auction she vows to get even with Ray but doesn't tell him when. This drives him crazy and leads him to believe that everything she does is to get even at him.
5. The Visit - When Debra's mother comes to visit the family for a week, Debra finds herself shocked to discover that she wishes her mom were more like Marie.
6. Halloween Candy - After Debra suggests that she might be more consistently romantic if she weren't in charge of the birth control, Ray decides to make the drastic move of "cutting the wires."
7. Moving Out - Feeling pathetic because he lives with his parents, Robert finally musters up the courage to move out on his own.
8. The Article - Ray is jealous of Andy who's article is published by "Sports Illustrated".
9. The Lone Barone -When Robert and Amy break up Raymond is blamed by everyone because of some bad things he told Robert about marriage.
10. No Fat - When Marie and Frank get some test results back they find out that they're not as healthy as they thought. So Marie throws out all the unhealthy food and makes Frank go on a diet with her.
11. The Apartment - Ray feels jealous of Robert when he visits his new apartment and sees that it's filled with beautiful women.
12. The Toaster - Ray is overjoyed by the reaction he is getting from friends and family who received a personalized "Barone" toaster from him as a gift.
13. Ping Pong - When Ray finds out that his father let him win a game of ping pong when he was twelve he challenges him to a game.
14. Pants On Fire - Marie starts to favor Robert when Ray admits to having a party 20 years ago.
15. Robert's Date - Robert's entire demeanor changes when he starts clubbing with his patrol partner, Judy, and her friends.
16. Frank's Tribute - When Frank wins "Man of the Year" at his lodge Ray and Robert are asked to make a video tribute about Frank.
17. Cruising with Marie - Frank fakes an injury so he won't have to go on a cruise with Marie. Ray ends up going and gets mistaken for her lover.
18. Ray Home Alone - Debra brings the kids to her parent's house and Ray stays home alone.
19. Big Shots - Trying to impress Robert when they visit the Baseball Hall of Fame in Cooperstown, Ray uses his "weight" as a sports writer for Newsday to jump to the front of the line to meet the members of the 1969 New York Mets.
20. Move Over - When Ray confides to Debra that her constant need to cuddle is causing him too many sleepless nights, Debra is more than happy to comply with his request to give him his space in bed.
21. The Getaway - Debra and Ray feel tremendous pressure to show each other a good time on a romantic weekend getaway in Vermont.
22. Working Girl - When Debra gets a job Ray isn't too happy because it means he has to help around the house.
23. Be Nice - When Ray and Debra realize they're nicer to strangers than to each other they vow to change their ways.
24. Dancing with Debra - After Ray urges Debra to go swing dancing with Robert to let himself off the hook, he can't believe how infatuated the two become with their new hobby.
25. Robert Moves Back - When Robert and Amy get caught being intimate by some of Robert's fellow apartment tenants, they are desperate to find someplace, any place, where they can have some time to themselves.
26. How They Met - Ray and Debra reminisce about their fateful first meeting 15 years before.
If it were that bad it wouldn't have lasted nine seasons...
T. LeBaron | NH | 03/17/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Hey, the world is full of different sensibilities and everyone has their own feel for what's funny. I didn't begin watching this series until it made it to daily syndicated repeats, and once I started watching it I saw a lot of truth in the show...a lot of real life family situations, and while Ray Romano's delivery may not be everyone's style...Ray Barone is just a guy trying to deal with what his life has given him, in this case a brother who thinks he's playing second fiddle, a wife who's smarter than anyone gives her credit for and parents who are absolutely priceless. They simply couldn't have picked a finer group of people to play these characters. Sure, some folks say "What was the big deal about Seinfeld or Friends?" and the big deal was the way they all worked together and the way we all got to know their characters and their histories together, what worked out, what didn't. There's a chemistry unique to Everybody Loves Raymond that a lot of the critics completely miss when they say they think the show is's the ensemble working together that makes this show...made Friends what it was, Seinfeld, WKRP in Cincinnati...they made each other look great and you can tell they were having a great time doing it. The commentary in episode one on the first season collection explains it all: the title is said from the perspective of Robert, Ray's brother...that's how he feels: "Yeah, I bust my butt every day and I try to be the best I can...but EVERYBODY loves Raymond..." I look forward to season three on DVD, and the rest of them too."
I love *Everybody Loves Raymond*
Sarah Shah | Binghamton, NY / Bloomington, Indiana, USA | 03/27/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I can remember being on a flight where episodes of ELR were being shown. At the time, I thought, "how boring" and read a book. Now, 2 years later, I am a devout ELR fan, and I never miss an episode, including all the reruns! I regret that I didn't watch ELR on the plane--it would've made the flight more enjoyable. My entire family enjoys this show, including my little sister who is 10 years old. I'm 22 and am in love with the show! It's truly something the whole family can enjoy. You just can't find comedy like this anywhere else. I am anxiously awaiting the release of the 3rd season! The DVD's have extra features that are also fun to watch. We'll miss you Raymond! :)"
The Growing Characters.
Steve Guardala | ????? | 07/28/2006
(3 out of 5 stars)
"This is the season that the show truly came into its own. All of the characters developed over the season into the dysfunctional palooza {Ray's term} that are the disputatious Barones. Debrah's yelling, Ray's whining, Frank's sarcasm, Marie's growing intrusiveness, and Robert's jealousy come together in the best of the three seasons. I think these were the best four.
Ep2-Driving Frank, explored the issue of age and the volatile father-son relationship in a way many viewers could relate to.
Ep9-The Lone Barone, saw Ray's lecture to Robert on marriage rebound hilariously on him when he gets blamed for Robert and Amy's breakup.
Ep20-Move Over, Ray digs his "husband grave" with every sentence. Debra as usual overeacts while Ray's visit to Father Hubley for advice was a typical session of selfcentered Ray missing the point. Only a Barone could enrage a priest.
Ep25-Robert Moves Back, was a funny opera. The kitchen scene saw Frank's insensitivity, Marie's shock, Ray's indifference, Robert and Amy's humiliation, and as always Debrah gets insulted by Marie."
The final fine tuning season of the show
Kevin Gumdrop | 05/13/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"In its third season the show finally started to get the ratings CBS expected after a strong two seasons. The show started to focus more on Robert's love life and relationship with his family members in general. Throughout the season Robert seems to be asking himself how I fit in. What am I supposed to do with my life? Trufully I don't think the writers really had an idea, but they wanted to make the search for these answers as funny as possible and they did for the most part. The saga begins with the episode "Moving out" and ends with "Robert moves back", arguably the funniest episode of the season in which Robert and Amy get back together and try to make up for lost time. Along the way Robert breaks up Amy in the "Lone Barone" and lives in an interesting apartment.
In my opinion the first classic episode of the series came during this season with "The Toaster", but there are plenty of mediocre and sub par episodes that include the dated humor of "Robert's Date" along with "The Invasion", "Pants on Fire", "Be Nice", and "The Getaway"
Hidden gem episodes from this season are "Working Girl", "Frank's Tribute" and "Move Over"
This season has some funny moments but you have to sift through a lot of bad episodes to find them."