Standup comedian Ray Romano stars as Ray Barone, a successful sportswriter who deals with his brother and parents, who happen to live across the street. Patricia Heaton ("The Goodbye Girl"), Peter Boyle ("While You Were Sl... more »eeping"), Doris Roberts ("Remington Steele"), and Brad Garrett ("Gleason") round out the stellar cast. DVD Features:
Audio Commentary:Six optional audio commentaries ("Marie?s Sculpture," "Tissues," "Cookies," "Lucky Suit," "The Skit" and "Talk To Your Daughter") with series creator Phil Rosenthal, Ray Romano, Doris Roberts and writers Mike Royce, Steve Skrovan, Lew Schneider and Tucker Cawley.
Deleted Scenes:Never-before-seen Bloopers and Deleted Scenes
Other:"ELR: The First Six Years"-- A look back at ELR from the beginning.« less
Everybody Loves Raymond Season 6 - Right on Schedule
Eric C. Baur | Owensboro, KY USA | 02/28/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"More hilarious Everybody Loves Raymond on DVD! Right on schedule too. Here's the Episode Guide:
Everybody Loves Raymond - Season 6
1. The Angry Family - At a school open house, Michael gets up and reads the title to his story, "The Angry Family." The shocked Barones fear the worst as Michael tells the saga of a clan that is constantly arguing.
2. No Roll! - When Debra tells Ray that he's too selfish in bed and that she wants a little variety he goes out and buys an adults only board game to spice things up.
3. Odd Man Out - Frank is so green with envy about Marie's new friendship with Marco that he forces Marco to choose either Marie or him as a friend.
4. Ray's Ring - When Ray loses his wedding ring on a business trip Debra gets jealous and tries to get back at him by going to the supermarket without her wedding ring.
5. Marie's Sculpture - Ray and Debra are horrified when Marie presents them with an abstract sculpture she made in art class which bears a striking resemblance to a part of the female anatomy.
6. Frank Goes Downstairs - Ray tells Frank that he and Debra fell down the stairs so Frank tries fixing the stairs but ends up in the hospital.
7. Jealous Robert - Marie and Debra set up Amy with Gianni to get Robert jealous so he'll want to get back together with Amy but their plan backfires when Amy and Gianni hit it off.
8. It's Supposed to Be Fun - While the Barones watch their sons play basketball, Ray finds that Geoffery is having trouble getting the hang of the game.
9. Older Women - It's the first Thanksgiving since Debra's parents have been divorced and Debra is thrilled that both her parents have agreed to have dinner with the Barones. However, she soon learns that her Father is bringing a date.
10. Raybert - Robert meets a beautiful woman who is a big fan of Ray's sports column. But when the woman mistakes Robert for Raymond, Robert doesn't set her straight.
11. The Kicker - While enjoying a college football game, Frank catches a football from a record setting field goal and refuses to give it back to the kicker.
12. Season's Greetings - When Marie receives a letter from a relative detailing how wonderful her life is and how well her kids are doing, it drives Marie insane with jealousy. She enlists Debra's help in writing a Barone family Christmas letter.
13. Tissues - Debra grudgingly agrees to let Ray be more involved in daily decision making.
14. Snow Day - Held captive at Frank and Marie's during a snowstorm, Debra, Ray and Amy actually find themselves having a great time.
15. Cookies - When Ray learns that Troup Leader Peggy and her daughter have targeted his parents house as a spot to make a big sale for themselves during the Frontier Girls' selling competition, it's war.
16. Lucky Suit - Robert is ecstatic when he is recommended for an FBI job. That is, until it becomes apparent that Marie's intrusive ways may be his undoing.
17. The Skit - At a party, Ray and Debra do a dead-on impersonation of Frank and Marie that brings down the house. But when Frank and Marie do a Ray and Debra imitation, they don't find it funny at all.
18. The Breakup Tape - Ray becomes insanely jealous when he realizes that Debra has held on to gifts from former boyfriends.
19. Talk to Your Daughter - Armed with research and much preparation, Ray is ready to speak with Ally about the facts of life only to find that Ally's interest has changed from where babies come from to the meaning of life.
20. A Vote for Debra - Debra decides to run for school president but Ray isn't sure he can handle the twins by himself during all those meetings so he votes against her.
21. Call Me Mom - Marie gets upset when she sees Ray calling Debra's mother "Mom" so Ray tells Debra that maybe she should start calling Marie "Mom".
22. Mother's Day - Debra takes offense when Marie accuses her of being rude and the two wind up fighting and not speaking to each other.
23. The Bigger Person - The feud between Debra and Marie continues when Ray realizes that he can use the feud to get Debra to do almost anything for him.
24. Everybody Loves Raymond: The First Six Years - A series of classic clips from the show's first six years interspersed with stories of family life by celebrities.
25. The First Time - Ray and Debra reminisce about the first time they slept together.
Another great season
MollyRK | Chicago | 03/07/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"We received Season 5 on DVD just in time for Christmas, and now we get Season 6 to kick off the summer. Another terrific season with very funny episodes, as always.
There are the usual commentaries with Ray Romano, Phil Rosenthal, and some crew members. Patricia Heaton wasn't scheduled to be part of this season's commentaries, which is disappointing, but we get to hear Doris Roberts this time, and even though Romano and Rosenthal talk a lot more than she does in the commentary she's in, it's still fun to get some of her insights. I was especially excited to see that they included a commentary track for "Talk to Your Daughter," which has a storyline about daughter Ally and includes an adorable scene at the very end with Ally and the twins. It was nice to see the cast and crew talk a little bit more about the kids (not much, but they mentioned them a couple times at least). That was one thing that was missing on the first 5 DVD sets, and I'm happy that they've included it here.
Some notable episodes from this well-written and successful season include "The Angry Family," where a school essay from little Michael shows the Barone adults that their daily snits with each other are not going unnoticed; "Marie's Sculpture," where Marie makes an absolutely outrageous creation that outdoes even herself; "Cookies," where poor Ray gets more or less beat up by Ally's pushy troop leader; and "Mother's Day," which begins a string of several episodes that chronicles Debra and Marie's biggest fight yet, and shows how it impacts the entire family. Some fans may be interested to know that they initially wanted to stretch the Debra/Marie estrangement for the entire Season 7, but they decided it "wouldn't have been much of a show if they just left the men to talk to each other." I personally think they could have made it work and found a way to do it in an upbeat and humorous tone, but the way they did it was great, too. There are many laughs to be had, but plenty of sweet and tender moments as well, all balanced out in classic "Raymond" tradition.
Only 3 more seasons to go after this one--with a little luck, maybe they will all be released before Christmas (although that may be a little bit of ambitious thinking). I'm sure we will definitely get them all within the next year, though, so get excited about completing your collections! :)"
My favorite season!
Patrick Gilchriest | Syracuse, NY | 04/27/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I am a huge Everybody Loves Raymond fan, so when they went off the air last year, I was really upset, and yet really glad at the same time because they were able to go out at the top of their form. I am thrilled with the consistent releases of these sets, and the sixth season is, in my opinion, the one in which they reached their pinnacle. The quality was high the whole series, but season six is full of a lot of favorite episodes that I think are top-notch, including but certainly not limited to, "Lucky Suit," "The Angry Family," "Talk to Your Daughter," the three episodes at the end with the Marie-Debra feud, and MANY more! I recommend every single season of Everybody Loves Raymond, but if you are trying to choose only one, this is it. I can't wait to get my copy of this release!"
May Be Their Best Season?
Steve Guardala | ????? | 05/10/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Four episodes alone of this season were worth the price of the DVD. The Angry Family was debatedly the funniest episode ever? All of the adult characters were at their VISCERAL BEST. Craven Ray, overbearing Marie, cranky Frank, envious Robert, and quick tempered Debra were in fine form. The looks they gave each other were almost "operatic." Poor father Dubley's expression in having to deal with all the Barones at once in his office was worthy of a Shark bite. The last moment when Ray and Debra find out that the angry family story their son wrote was really about a cartoon would make a corpse laugh. In episode 7-"Jealous Robert," the manipulations of Marie and Debra backfire and put the always timid Ray in the middle of another soap opera. Episode 10-"Raybert," saw Robert living out his fantasy with a woman who has mistaken him for Ray. The two brothers get caught up in being Raybert and hilarity ensues. Episode 11-"Kicker," shows the wickedly wacky persona of Frank. To me it is a crime that Peter Boyle never won an emmy for his performances. He was exceptional in this one as the football hijacker who wants to make a buck on what should have been the football players moment in the sun. The scene where four of them are listening to Frank rant on the radio was classic ELR at its very best."
G.V. | Mexico City, Mexico | 04/26/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This is the last season of ELR which I can safely say I found outstanding. It includes my favorite episode (The Lucky Pants) in which Robert interviews for an FBI job but Marie's intervention ruins his chances. It may or it may not be the best episode in the series but I know for a fact I didn't laugh out louder in any of the rest.
I was glad the very last episode of ELR was so good but, generally speaking, season 7-9 din't do it for me, I found Robert's in-laws to be a lot more irritating than funny, specially Chris Eliott who I simply can't stand.
By purchasing only seasons 1-6 I will be able to remmember ELR at its very best so this is where I get off."