The program: 1. Sweet Dreams — 2. Love Is a Stranger — 3. Who's That Girl? — 4. Right by Your Side — 5. Here Comes the Rain Again — 6. Sex Crime (1984) — 7. Julia — 8. Would I Lie to You? — 9. There Must Be an Angel (Playing with ... more »My Heart)
"An image burns in my mind: Annie Lennox aggressivlely placing a toothbrush into a cup and taking a step back, glaring. There's a brilliance in that moment from "Beethoven" and at a running time of 1 hr 35 mins. this DVD is brimming with those kind of moments and musical genius.As the sticker on the cover's shrinkwrap says, Eurythmics is "The Definitive New Wave Band" and doesn't break that promise. What more could a fan ask for than a compilation of their conceptual videos? If only it could be updated to include the ones from the album "Peace" it couldn't be more perfect.Annie Lennox's voice is pure, soulful and instantly recognized. No matter what the hair, she is undeniably the most beautiful woman in rock! Dave Stewart is a gifted musician and filmmaker (he directed many of their videos) and is downright seductive with one close-up of his face looking right at the camera. They prove they have the talent in every aspect of music and visuals.Those with a keen eye will enjoy the gender-bending appearances (look for singer Marilyn in "Who's That Girl") and special touches (the leather-clad Hell's Angels in "Thorn In My Side"--dig the guy with the rose tattoo!). All of the clips hold up extremely well today, showing that in the 1980s there was a very creative edge that completely puts today's MTV cookie cutter videos to shame. This is particularly notable in the songs "It's Alright" with astounding animation and the cinematic beauty of "Angel." I really appreciated the trilogy of "Beethoven," "I Need A Man," and "You Have Placed A Chill In My Heart," with Annie reprising characters. It's really hard to top the biting satire of "King And Queen Of America"--when I saw Tammy Faye in a McDonald's in Palm Desert I immediately thought of Annie Lennox's wonderful portrayal in that video! Gives me giggles of delight!Those who appreciate the music of the 80s and Eurythmics will be so pleased with this compilation! We need more collections like this and those younger folk who thing today's "bands" are so great should take a look at this one and they would surely learn a thing or two about what is truly GREAT music and what it takes to make flawless music videos! As the song goes, WOULD I LIE TO YOU........?"
The DVD that burns itself!
McHenry John | McHenry, Illinois United States | 08/27/2004
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Annie Lennix: On word---HOT! Her velvet voice sears in this DVD with The Eurythmics videos. Includes "Sweet Dreams", "Who's That Girl?", "Love is a Stranger", "Here Comes the Rain Again", "Right By Your Side", "It's Alright, Baby's Coming Back", "Sexcrime 1984", "Missionary Man", "Would I Lie To You?", "There Must Be an Angel" & many other great, great hits.
VERY recommended!"
Welcome to the way cool time machine!
F. Poff | Tornado City, USA | 10/11/2002
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This DVD kicks butt like only the 80's can. The Eurythmics are still cool after all these years. Some of the videos are still inventive and good eye-candy, Annie Lennox was quite a hottie in her day, and the music is still very cool techno rock with smart lyrics. Even in the videos of just Annie singing, she is always exciting to watch with that spunky attitude of hers. Some of the videos are creative, some are sexy, some are strange, but all them bring back a tear of glory to any child of the 80's. I love this DVD and never get tired of it. From the music to the images to the magic of Annie Lennox (and Dave Stewart) this is a must have for any Eurythmics fan! Sweet Dreams Are Made Of This DVD!"
Bad Transfer
F. Poff | 12/09/2000
(2 out of 5 stars)
"A previous review goes into details about the poor transfer and the compression problems with this release. I fully agree. I'd also like to add that I had previously purchased the UK PAL version a couple of months ago and was disappointed that they used the same transfer for this US NTSC version. I was hoping the label would have cleaned it up before another release. So much for the "Rush" excuse.The two stars I give this is only for the transfer problems. If you're hoping to upgrade your copy from VHS, don't. Believe me, if you buy this DVD you'll hold onto the videotape and feel all-around cheated.As for the older material on this DVD, some of it is available on the Pioneer "Sweet Dreams" DVD. And while the sound quality on that edition is not the greatest, you won't be distracted by compression as much as "Greatest."Maybe "Criterion" can rescue this failure."
Beautifully Directed
Jaime Miles | Okinawa, Japan | 05/09/2001
(5 out of 5 stars)
"One of the best things I find intriguing about Eurythmics, is their ability to make incredible music videos without employing a dozen directors and producers, just simplistic artistic pieces of work. There is plenty of unforgettable videos notably "Sweet Dreams (Are Made Of This), which Annie Lennox reveals her androgynous image, "Love Is A Stranger" with Annie discuised as a first-class call girl going undercover, and later dresses in various other discuises, "Would I Lie To You" where Annie totally ditches her boyfriend in an attempt to declare independence, "Beethoven (I Love To Listen To)" is the most interesting on the video, here Annie appears to be an ordinary house wife but goes out of her mind and reveals her sexual side (she pulls of her wig, to reveal her blonde hair and wears a very revealing outfit), and last but not least "Don't Ask Me Why" where Annie & Dave Stewart are dressed in high fashion avoiding eye contact to let the viewer know that it's over between them. If your for high-class and good quality music videos, or if your a fan of Eurythmics, this is definitely the tape to buy!"