English: With the desire to improve their lives, the men of Huajuan de Leon emigrate without realizing that they are destroying that which they want to save most, their families. This is the story of Diamantina and Araceli... more », two young women from the Oaxacan Mixtec who watch their men, Santiago and Macario, leave for the States in search of a better life. Santiago tries to raise money in order to marry Diamantina, whose father abides by the tradition of a marriage dowry. Macario is looking to alleviate his familys poverty. When the men return to the village they try to recover what they had left behind, but things are no longer the same. Spiral is a generational story about patriarchal society, the power of community and family . A love story that explores with beautiful cinematography and complex characters the archaic social and moral codes that still prevail in the small towns of Mexico. Spanish: Intensa historia de amor que refleja la realidad de muchos inmigrantes quienes buscando una mejor vida termina destruyendo lo que ellos mas quieren; sus propias familias. Santiago y Macario son forzados a salir de México en busca de un mejor futuro dejando atrás las mujeres de sus vidas, Diamantina y Araceli tienen que luchar para sobrevivir. Cuando los hombres retornan a la villa se encuentran con que todo ha cambiado y que será muy difícil recuperar lo que dejaron atrás. El papel de la mujer y su lucha permanente por mantener sus familias tomando las riendas de sus vidas a la par de un hombre. Nominada como Mejor Film en el Festival de Cartagena 2009. Nominated for the 2009 Cartagena Film Festival Golden India Catalina Award for Best Film« less