Vaguely entertaining
S. Krebs | 04/30/2007
(3 out of 5 stars)
"The problem with this series is that it's filled with inconsistencies and the ending leaves much to be desired. It manages to keep you hooked by revealing juicy bits of the plot and the pasts of characters, but in the end, nothing is explained. And I mean NOTHING. Regardless of this, the overall series is still somewhat enjoyable, which is why I'm giving it a three. Certain episodes are great. Sadly, this fact makes it that much more aggravating when the story falls short. I'd say borrow it from a friend rather than buy it yourself. The best way to describe this series is wasted potential."
E's Otherwise
shy0ne1 | prince george,bc canada | 01/12/2007
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This collection is beautiful the storyline keeps moving with a few interesting turns to keep you entertained Any fantasy fan will find this a great buy. Wish they had extras in the collection but all they put in it is some previews."
Not the Greatest
Anna Traxler | Tallahassee, FL USA | 08/15/2008
(3 out of 5 stars)
"I bought this series on a whim and although I am not regreting the purchase, it is almost collecting dust on my bookshelf. The first 6 or so episodes were great. The plot seemed to be thickening, you knew that Kai would sometime realize that he is in an evil organization, etc. However, the episodes always left cliff hangers that you would anxiously skip through the opening captions to get to the next episode only to be greatly disappointed. Not only was the ending of the series rushed, it wasn't understandable."
An Entertaining Sci-Fi Anime With A Little Morality Story Bu
Rich | CA | 11/05/2008
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I actually felt this was a very entertaining and exciting sci-fi, paranormal anime series and well worth the price. The stories main character is Kai Kudou is young paranormal psychical boy whose power at first doesn't seem all that great actually begins to build in power that few can equal him in a paranormal psychical battle. The story is a little in the future with normal people and people with psychical paranormal abilities but people with these abilities are treated with a majority of hatred, fear, and are usually shunned by normal people. Thus ASHURUM is created to supposedly help these special people with their abilities and have them live their lives in the world as a productive and helpful members of society. Of course there is a darker mission and reason for what ASHURUM does and why they are training the psychical paranormal children with more militaristic and lethal training then they are telling anyone. The series is dramatic, action packed, with plenty of battles, and a few comedic scenes to lighten the show a a little. The show reminds me a little of the X-men comics and movies in their telling of the struggles between mutants and normal humans. The video is clear and clean so no complaints with the picture quality and the voice actors for the subbed and dubbed did a great job so kudos to them.
So if you like the animes like X/Clamp or Witch Hunter Robin this series set might be a good choice for your collection as well..."