The series that just won't quit
David Roth | 06/15/2007
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Ergo Proxy continues to grow more and more intriguing. Volume 4 begins to give you some back story as to how Proxy's were developed and what exactly caused the state of the world. Albeit while taking the form of a gameshow. While that episode in specific seems out of place, to those paying close attention to the questions and answers, there is a lot of information to get out of it. That however, is not the heart of this volume.
As another reviewer had previously mentioned, the first episode on the disc (Episode 13: Wrong Way Home/Conceptual Blindspot) will really grab you. It is focused on Iggy and his relationship with Re-L and the effects of the Cogito Virus. While I can't say too much for fear of giving things away, this episode will take you for a ride which will stick with you for the rest of the disc and probably the series. Nothing is the same afterwards.
Episode 14: Ophelia/Someone Like You takes place in a vacant city that is devoid of all life aside for what appear to be two dopplegangers. Easily the most confusing episode in the series (at first watch anyway), this is where we see quite a bit of Vincent coming into his own.
Episode 15: Who Wants To Be In Jeopardy/Nightmare Quiz Show is the episode I alluded to prior. While the odd episode in the group, aside from some backstory it doesn't really add too much to the overall plot. But it does provide a nice diversion from the pressing matters, if only for a short while.
Episode 16: Busy Doing Nothing/Dead Calm is my favorite episode on this disc. While many people would classify it as a boring episode, that is the point of it. There is no wind to move the airship so they are stuck in one place. Dwindling supplies and sinking moral, Re-L narrates this episode and we get a good look into her psyche and motives. By far the episode with the single most characterization.
Overall, it is a solid, well rounded volume. It starts off strong and draws you in, furthers the characters relations to each other, provides a nice diversion from the tension, then gives you one of the most insightful and well-thought out episodes in the series thus far. If you are a fan of the series, you won't be dissapointed. If you aren't, what's wrong with you? Get going already. This is one of the best series to come around in quite some time."
I can't believe in myself
M. Randall | Allen Park, MI | 06/06/2007
(5 out of 5 stars)
"spoilers included
The 4th volume of Ergo Proxy is just as enjoyable as the first 3 installments. The highlight episode here is the first one. Iggy finally gets the spotlight and we see some of his alone time in Romdo away from Re-L. Ultimately he returns to take Re-L back with him, its here that we learn he has been infected with the cognito virus. He thinks she has been ignoring him and his only wish is for her to need his servitude. I want spoil much else, but he makes the ultimate sacrifice to save her in the end. There is also a less-serious "game show" episode and another thought provoking episode involving multiple Re-Ls and Vincents. I continue to adore this show and am very much looking forward to how they will wrap up this stunning series. Check my reviews for the other volumes"
Good series entry.
Jeffrey L. O'Key | Tucson, AZ USA | 07/19/2007
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Ergo Proxy is unabashedly dark and (to borrow a word from a recent issue of Anime Insider) "pretentious." It's about a dystopia and is replete with allusions to postmodern French philosophy. Okay. Once you get passed that, it's really pretty good. Vincent (the protagonist in the story) is a kick. He is SO spaced out, it's funny. He has an identity problem. On the surface he's a very unassuming, gentle character--but actually (in his unpredictable, Mr.Hyde mode), he's a Proxy (a cunning, unconrollable monster). Re-l(a female security agent with the hard-bitten personality of Sam Spade)is so intrigued by Vincent she tracks him down in the widnerness outside Rondo, and tags along with him on his journey of self-discovery.
Now to this volume in the series. It's worth purchasing for the last two episides. Episode 15 is called "Who Wants to Be in Jeopardy?" It's a hilarious, out-of-nowhere parody of TV game shows. Seemingly unconnected to the rest of the story, it's actually in this episode that the writers provide us with a little bit of history of the world in which the story takes place. (A long overdue catch-up.) But the gem of this volume is the last episode. It's a treasure! Vincent, his little sidekick Pino, and Re-l are going nowhere fast in their sailing craft. There's no wind, little food, and nothing to do but get to know one another (meaning, one another's foibles and idiosyncracies).It's hilarious! But more than that, it's profound. We watch Re-l CHANGE. She starts to soften, relax, chill out! And the pace of the episode reflects what's happening. Re-l's transformation comes slow and halting--and the episode moves along slow and at times threatens to lose its rationale and just . . . stop!
This last episode (#16 in the series) is itself worth buying the series for. (That's my opinion.)
Ergo Proxy gets some getting used to. It's a bit on the bizarre side and doesn't make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside after watching it. Nihilism haunts its shadows--and depression attends it. But when it's good, it's very, very good!"