mos | right here. | 10/29/2004
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Guts Of A Beauty
directed by Kazuo 'Gaira' Komizu
1986, 68 mins.
Genre: Erotic Horror, says the package. What the eff? Erotic movies, horror movies, I know what they are *cough*, but erotic horror is something new to me. In the first ten minutes it's already obvious that Guts Of A Beauty fails to be either erotic or horrorific, let alone both. However, it's an amusing flick, and that's worth something.
The story is basically just there. There's not much development, not much of a start, nor really an end, so, to be honest, not much of a story at all. Therefore, a spoiler warning would be too much praise, however, be aware that I will unravel the plot in the next sentence. A female psychiatrist happens upon the filthy business of some girl-abusing and girl-selling (uh) Yakuza, who then rape and (accidentily) kill her, whereafter she returns as a hermaphrodite zombie with monster genitals and kills the Yakuza. The plot. All of it.
However, it's still amusing. No matter how crappy the effects look (a watermelon being thrown onto the ground is supposed to be a woman committing suicide, rrriiight, we're NOT falling for it), no matter how bad the story is, this film WILL entertain you for its full SEVENTY minutes. However, be warned, this movie just might be offending, and it's definitely not for kids (although that oral treatment was digitally pixelated to make it less clear what's happening - and of course, second base is far more offensive than hacking off a man's arm). If you're in for some nice gorn though, as I've heard it being described, Guts Of A Beauty is what you're looking for.
mos says:
Scares? non-existent/10
Gore? 5/10
Hermaphrodite zombies with monster genitals? Just one, and it's enough.
Fun factor? 10.1/10
Juicy watermelons? They're everywhere/10"
Anton Ilinski | Moscow, Russia | 11/21/2005
(2 out of 5 stars)
"Not so long ago I watched "Entrails of a Virgin" so now I was ready - I knew what to expect. I'm not sure why the series are called "Entrails..." because there ain't many of them in the films.
Here we are dealing with some yakuza members who rape and drug women. Pretty explicit sex scenes occupy about an hour on this 68-minute feature just very much like in "Entrails of a Virgin". The movie is simple stupid, but I guess noone has big expectations regarding it, so if you decided to watch it you know what you are doing and you'll definately get you piece of fun. This is not a horror film, looks like it pretends to be horror and not for a moment tries to hide its exploitative nature.
The story line in short is like this: a girl is gang raped by yakuza thugs, she is drugged and then mutates into a slimy monster with a giant toothed(!) penis, who seeks revenge. She's killing them one by one (some of them in rather disgusting ways). That's it.
The plot may look fabulous but it's actually not if you watch it. Nevertheless it seemed to me that it was a little better than the previous film which was monstrously stupid.
Verdict: buy it if you like exploitative flicks or you're a fan of japanise extreme cinema. If you are not, avoid it at all costs or you will be damning the day you bought it for the rest of your life.
By the way watch an interview with director Kazuo Komizu in bonus features. I was laughing like mad - he's such a funny guy."
Japans answer to I Spit on Your Grave.
M. | Mass. | 02/03/2008
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This is pretty much your by-the-book rape/revenge flick. Man meets woman, man shoots her up with drugs and rapes her, woman turns into a zombie that has a monster shlong with teeth and brutally kills those who wronged her in gory and sexy ways. You know, that same old scenerio. Most of the movies 78 minute run time is dedicated to hard-core sex scenes (some willing, some not) and the rest on gross special effects. There are plenty of sick moments in this one. It has kind of a confusing story (depends on what you call a "story"), but who really cares........not me. Did I mention there is a monster shlong with teeth that kills people? Highly recommended!"
Sex and gore doesn't necessarily mean great and awesome.
Jenny J.J.I. | That Lives in Carolinas | 10/30/2008
(3 out of 5 stars)
"This film is good for what it's supposed to be--something you mock and ridicule with your friends. This certainly isn't high-class cinema. It's splatter-filled Asian cult exploitation horror. This is one of those movies that you will know whether or not you'll like ahead of time based on your movie-going preferences.
The plot is similar to "I Spit on your Grave" but with a monstrous twist. In this story you have Yakuza, who brutally rape a young woman and dope her up on "Angel Rain", a pure form of cocaine with the intention of selling her into slavery. Before the Yakuza's nefarious plot materializes, the woman escapes only to commit suicide in front of a psychiatrist who swears to revenge her death. Unfortunately, for the psychiatrist, the Yakuza discover the plot and brutally rape and kill the psychiatrist (?). The psychiatrist comes back to life as a large demon with a monster male member hell-bent to enact a bloody revenge.
The film steadily held my attention but the special effects are absolutely horrendous--to the point where they are downright hilarious. For example, when the young woman commits suicide by jumping off a building, the camera cuts to a watermelon splattering on the ground instead of the woman's body--as if the audience couldn't tell the difference or were they trying to be funny. If they did they succeeded because I laughed so hard I nearly cried. There's a head crushing scene later on in the film that is almost as badly done. And the list goes on and on. There are also several rather lengthy rape scenes as well as one quasi-consensual scene involving sex for drugs. The rape scenes are quite graphic, bloody, realistic and of course, very disturbing. The realistic rape scenes starkly contrast with the shoddy special effects. I'm not sure how long the rape scenes last, but it seems like they take up almost half the movie. Yes, they really do feel that long and most of the time is wasn't that enjoyable to watch.
Aside from that, ENTRAILS OF A BEAUTIFUL WOMAN is a kind of horror movies that is not easily forgotten, or easily digested by certain audiences. However, if you have a taste for this combination of soft-core imagery and gore you'll be lapping this up.