Shines Light on Biblical Prophecy
Rebecca Johnson | Washington State | 10/17/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
""June 30, 2005 - UN scientists say that severe draughts in Africa, Central America and south-east Asia in the past year are part of an emerging pattern that could result in food shortages in one out of every six countries in the world this year."
Are we nearing the end of the world as Jesus predicted and what exactly did he say about the signs of his return. For anyone looking at the world and wondering about the chaos ensuing in various places, Jesus' message may bring comfort or distress. Will the world know peace before it knows more chaos?
While troubling to think about, this program explains that according to prophecy the world will go through more "birth pains" in order to arrive at a place of peace. Increases in earthquakes, disease, natural disasters and famine have been predicted, but already we see this happening all over the world and at more alarming rates. They go as far as to say that one-third of the earth's population are victims of famine.
While these events are predicted in the Book of Revelations, the theme of this program is the signs Jesus foretold just days before he died.
Of all the "End Times" movies I've seen, this one succinctly explains the series of events anyone who believes in prophecy could expect once the pieces of this puzzle start to fall into place more rapidly. While they don't go into detail about all the prophecies that have come true, they do point out some major occurrences that give validity to the prophecies of Jesus. The "Seven Signs of Christ's Return" is also helpful if you are trying
to do research or want an overview of Biblical prophecy in regards to End Times topics.
While many of these types of movies focus on the end of the world, this at least does give hope and presents a peaceful world in the end.
~The Rebecca Review
End Times
Judith Christian | Bermuda | 11/11/2005
(4 out of 5 stars)
"I really liked it and have to watch it again. I didn't give it 5 stars only because it didn't speak of the 2 prophets that Rev say will come and talk of the Lord and wont be able to be killed but will shoot fire from their mouths on all who try to hurt them. Until after 3.5 years when God calls them and the rise and go to heaven. Also It ended at Christ's 1000 year rain and did not speak of satan being released after and the new Jerusalem. I know not all have the same belief but I would have like to hear of that. But on and overall I would say buy this DVD it would enlighten you. It is a wonderful DVD."
Very well done!
George Novak | 04/09/2008
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I ordered out a copy of this DVD for myself and copies for significant others. I was extremely pleased by the comments I received!!!!"
Loved it!
M. Wooden | Middleburg, VA | 12/05/2007
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I loved this DVD because it explains the "End Times" so clearly. You will want to watch it over and over so that you don't miss anything. I purchased it for my son to watch (20 year old) he thought it looked too outdated. I think because the interviews with Tim LaHaye was done in 1999 or closeby so to a young 20 year old it may appear to be an older DVD, but the content is rich, up to date, easy to understand. It will get you thinking about how close we are to the "END TIMES." I also gave it to my neighbor to watch and she has watched it in segments since it is overwelming to most. If you read the Bible then it is not overwhelming, but to someone that doesn't it will be an eye opener."