1. Take The "A" Train — 2. Satin Doll — 3. Stormy Weather — 4. Jam With Sam — 5. Kinda Dukish — 6. Bugle Call Rag — 7. I Got Rhythm Tracks 1, 2, 4, 5: During the early sixties, the Goodyear Tyre Company produced five Jazz shor... more »t films, widely considered to be among the very best productions of their kind from that era. Recorded in1961. Tracks 3, 6: Some thirty years before the music video clip was invented, movie studios produced short musical films known as "Soundies". They were shown in coin operated projection machines located in nightclubs, bars, restaurants and other public places. If it were not for the invention of Soundies, many artists would have no visual documents of their early works. Recorded in 1942. Track 7: Recorded at the 1962 Newport Jazz Festival.« less