Older and Alone
Amos Lassen | Little Rock, Arkansas | 05/18/2007
(4 out of 5 stars)
""An Empty Bed"
Older and Alone
Amos Lassen and Cinema Pride
Did you ever stop to wonder what it will belike when you are older and not so good looking--when you are no longer considered a "hottie"? Sure you have but if you are like me you push those thoughts aside because you don't want to think abut it. Not to make you feel bad, but these days are coming. "An Empty Bed (First Run Features) is one of the few features that deal with the lives of older gay men.
Ever wonder what the term "older gay man" means? I came up with my own definition---you are older when you have become one of the men that you used to say no to. It may not be your idea of a good definition but it works for me.
In "An Empty Bed" John Wylie plays Bill Frayne, a gay man in his sixties who looks back on his earlier days and the choices he made and the idea of knowing that wham he gets older what is waiting for him is an empty bed. It is told by using flashbacks ad the result is that past and preset meld together to give us the story of one man's life. In less than an hour the film provokes deep thought and makes us realize just how short life really is. It is quite a depressing thought but it is a reality that we must face.
Bill Frayne spends his days alone and reflects on his life and the lovers he has had. This story of one man's journey through his life does not paint him as a hero or a villain--just as a man who has known both happiness and sorrow. He never had the courage to come out, even to himself, but at this point in his life, it no longer seems to matter.
I doubt the movie will change the way anyone looks at things these days but I do believe it will urge you to do some looking inside yourself so that you do not end up alone in "an empty bed".
This very intelligent movie really plays with emotions and its honesty and integrity are its best qualities. It is a rare film but an important one and it is the kid of movie that should be seen by all. It celebrates those little things that are important in life.