Below average Playboy movie
limacharliewhiskey | California | 06/05/2002
(3 out of 5 stars)
"This is a Playboy movie (under the Eros production name) that is best described as a late-night softcore skin fest with a hokey vampire storyline plugged inbetween the steamy love scenes.The women here are actually quite beautiful, and there are a good number of love scenes here. Instead of the typical 2 or 3 scenes you might see in a typical Showtime or Cinemax late-night movie, there are about 7 or 8 love scenes here. At least 1 every 10 minutes, some scenes go for quite a few minutes.Lots of gratuitous skin showing by the two lead actresses, Madison Clark (who bears a resemblance to actress Mia Sara) as the good girl and Angelia High as the bad girl. If you're looking for a decent plot or suspense, you won't find it here. If you want to see a female version of Interview with the Vampire, this movie might fulfill your fetish.The DVD itself is very barebones, with only a chapter selection as its only menu."
A softcore vampire flick in "the city of old factories".
M. MCCABE | 12/22/2003
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Good softcore from Playboy/Image. You've got a guy and a girl vampire. The girl is perfectly happy being a vampire, and just wants to hunt, feed, and have sex. The guy is unhappy, and just wants to feed and have sex. He's content to get his blood fix from robbing blood banks. Apparently blood blank blood isn't as good as fresh blood since the girl vampire wants nothing to do with it. Maybe the preserving solution they add to it isn't what she likes?The guy vampire gets puppy dog eyes for this girl who lives in the old factory building across from the old factory building that he lives in. I think this attraction is due, in no small part, to the fact that the girl likes to take off all her clothes and practices her "performance art" (which looks a lot like masturbating) in front of her open window.There's also a bar that's located inside an old factory building and the girl gives her "performances" in another old factory building. Whatever city this is in sure has an abundance of old factory buildings.There's also performance girl's ex boyfriend and some blonde runaway girl who becomes vampire food.The sex is frequent and good. Most of the scenes involve performance girl and vampire girl. Blonde runaway girl has one scene. I think there were eight scenes total. One of them was girl/girl, one was girl solo, one was guy/girl/girl, and the rest were guy/girl. The music was a little too loud for my taste, but you could still faintly hear the actors underneath it.Performance girl gave the best, well, performances. Her "orgasms" were the back arching, fist clenching, almost seizure like displays of passion that I really like. I'd give second place to blonde runaway girl. Too bad she only had one scene. Vampire girl was more subdued, which was actually in character for her, but doesn't make for the best sex scenes. She was real nice to look at though.This doesn't rank with the best that Playboy/Image have given us, but it's still good and will be getting repeat viewings from me in the future."
Angst and Eros Among the Vampires
Joshua Koppel | Chicago, IL United States | 02/26/2004
(3 out of 5 stars)
"Sex and death are two powerful forces and erotic horror loves to mix the two. This movie is no exception.Here we have two vampires. One is male, calm and careful. The other is female, wild and dangerous. They have just moved to LA. Their personality types clash as she wants only blood from fresh victims (usually those she has had sex with) while he is content with bagged blood from the local blood bank.Enter a pretty performance artist next door and her reporter ex-boyfriend and you get a fairly typical vampire story where obsession leads to death.The vampires themselves are a little different. They can teleport, open doors without touching them and make their clothes jump onto their bodies.There are lots of sex scenes in this film and plenty of nudity. Plenty of sex with the vampires and mortals (although most of them are drained in more than one way afterward).This is an o-kay film with both halves working well. The acting is pretty good and the cast is attractive. The DVD has absolutely no special features but at least has tracks. Again, nothing special, but it is done better than most."
Above average vampire-flick, FAR above average babes.
Bobby R. Treat | Round Rock, TX United States | 09/23/2001
(4 out of 5 stars)
"I don't ask for much in a vampire movie --- vampires who aren't messy eaters, some kind of romantic connection between sex and vampirism (it's central to the myth, really), and characters that make some kind of sense. On most counts, "Embrace the Darkness" succeeds. Admittedly, it is more about T&A than vampirism, but it succeeds in that genre too. As for the babes ... to each his own, but to my way of thinking, two or three of the most beautiful women ON THE PLANET are in this movie."