Making a few bucks with stock footage and phony voice over.
Eduardo Middleton K. | Santiago, A.M. Chile | 03/01/2000
(2 out of 5 stars)
"I'm quite dissapointed about this dvd. It is like a dull B movie compared to other rockumentaries. Even though the film actually shows trailers or scenes from all his 33 movies, the "substance" of this film comes from gossip or second hand info from books published long ago. Other than that, nothing new. The voice over is done by a second hand rate impersonator that seems like he's doing a parody of Elvis. It would be better that there were other dvds from Elvis like Elvis On Tour or films like Blue Hawaii, Flaming Star, Fun in Acapulco or Girls, Girls, Girls. Don't waste your money..."
I don't like it.
George | Carmel, ME United States | 10/30/2001
(2 out of 5 stars)
"There's a lot of rare footage in this film, the only problem is that it has an overdub of someone saying Elvis quotes all through the documentary and the guys trying to sound like Elvis and he fails. If we got more rare footage and removed the annoying impersonator overdub, this would be a nice movie for your collection. It does however mark the first time that anything from Elvis in Concert appeared on DVD (even though there's no audio). Nice addition to an Elvis collection but not something you'll watch often."
Worst Elvis documentary in recorded history
Robert D. Raymond | Seattle, Wa | 03/20/2007
(1 out of 5 stars)
"Ladies and gentlemen, the winner for worst Elvis documentary ever made is......(drum roll)..."Elvis: The Complete Story"! (no applause heard) If you are an absolute completest, you will be forced to get this (at least it's cheap). Otherwise, run from this dvd like a scared little girl. It is partially narrated by a guy trying, and failing, to sound like Elvis. It is a film straight out of the worst tabloids. It takes considerable liberties with a little thing I like to call REALITY! It sets up Elvis as the naive country hick mammas boy stumbling through the greatest career in showbiz history like Forrest Gump.His mother as the loud overbearing pill popping alcoholic who is always fighting with his drunk, skirt chasing father. Elvis' manager, Col. Tom Parker is painted as the vile, evil villain who robs Elvis blind and blackmails him with revealling the sorted "truth" of his mothers death to the public. You will wonder how Elvis managed to become the greatest superstar of all time with his manager doing everything in his power to destroy Elvis' career.
This miserable excuse for a documentary goes from ridiculous to horrible. If you are very knowledgeable of the story of Elvis' life, you might find this funny. If you aren't, it is a terrible misguiding thing to watch. I must own close to fifty shows on Elvis, and this is the absolute worst due to the alterations or exaggerations of the truth. Elvis wasn't perfect, but the info presented here is simply wrong, facts are mixed up or reality is scewed to paint an ugly picture. His legacy deserves more respect.
Do yourself a favor, go elsewhere. The rare footage mentioned in other reviews is available lots of other places. The Sinatra Show is available on dvd in its entirety here at Amazon, footage from Elvis in Concert is available with sound, on the "Elvis the Great Performances" box set, or volume one of that set sold alone and sub titled "Center Stage". The movie trailers are also available on a dvd themselves. Contact me if you want to know where to find any footage you think is on this dvd.
This dvd does not deserve a single star rating, unfortunately that's as low as we can go. Amazon needs to offer a "turkey" option.