No description available for this title. — Item Type: DVD Movie — Item Rating: PG13 — Street Date: 04/06/04 — Wide Screen: yes — Director Cut: no — Special Edition: no — Language: ENGLISH — Foreign Film: noSubtitles: no — Dubbed: n... more »o
Not a rewatch but entertaining cheesy and fun to watch especially if you are a fan of Elvira!
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Damian M. (ratchet) Reviewed on 3/11/2009...
I didnt know much about Elvira before this, but now I wonder why she isnt more popular. Really funny stuff. This movie is very dated and not really even an allegorical attack on the likes of the PMRC or the Moral Majority. She's hot and quick with clever improvisation (she was a Groundling).
3 of 3 member(s) found this review helpful.
Movie Reviews
More than just a great set of ....
Monty Moonlight | TX | 09/14/2005
(4 out of 5 stars)
"The lovely Cassandra Peterson dons her famous black dress and wig for the big screen in this hilarious 1988 cult-camp-comedy-classic, and the result is a good time for all! Well, maybe not ALL. Naturally, the humor can get a bit racy, though it's a far cry from today's downright shameless standards! In "Elvira, Mistress of the Dark," Cassandra reprises her legendary TV horror hostess role as the character comes to a turning point in her career. Frustrated with an unsatisfying job and blatant sexual harassment from her new boss, the always intrepid Elvira drops everything to pursue her dream of doing her own show in Las Vegas. She THINKS her agent has arranged everything, but gets a rude awakening when she discovers that SHE must come up with fifty thousand dollars to secure the theater. With perfect timing, a message arrives with news of Elvira's mysterious great aunt's sudden passing and requesting her presence at the reading of the will. Elvira's hope is restored, and she packs her bags and hits the road to Massachusetts!
Unfortunately, once Elvira arrives in the small Rockwellian town to which she has been summoned, she discovers that she has only inherited a house, a book, and a dog, none of which she has any use for. Things are only made worse by the fact that the local townsfolk do not want her around; that is, all except for the teenagers who admire her and the men who desire her. In-between fending off unwanted advances and worrying about how she can make worthless lemons into profitable lemonade, Elvira somehow finds the time to take the local kids under her wing and pursue the naive town beefcake as well. In fact, she develops one ingenious solution to bring all of her pet projects together: Putting on a late-night movie show for the kids at her beau's downtown movie theater! The forces seem to be against our heroine, however, in the form of the unfriendly locals. But, the danger of them ruining her show is the least of her worries! Little does Elvira know that her newly discovered Uncle Vincent is a villainous warlock with designs on acquiring her new spell-book, which Elvira thinks is nothing more than a book of exotic cooking recipes! If she's going to save the world, her dreams of stardom, and herself, Elvira will have to discover her true birthright as "Mistress of the Dark!"
"Elvira, Mistress of the Dark" is great campy fun in the true spirit of Cassandra Peterson's beloved television icon! The beautiful prima donna with gothic good-looks and a sharp, wicked, yet well-intentioned and sometimes surprisingly bubbly personality transfers successfully to the big screen thanks to the overflowing talent and charm of the stunning Miss Peterson, who effortlessly carries the film from beginning to end. No question about it, this film is ALL about Elvira, and that's a good thing! Familiar faces dot the cast, and the acting skills vary, but in a goofy, goodtime comedy like this, it all works well together! So, if you are a fond fan like me, or if you are just plain curious, pick up a copy to see this cult-classic for yourself! Great for viewing around Halloween or pretty much anytime! Personally, I recommend (and own) the double-sided DVD with "Transylvania 6-5000" on the flipside; Two great Monster comedies, practically for the price of one! That one includes trailers and a thorough, readable bio on Cassandra Peterson. Most likely, this version includes the same extras, though Amazon does not mention the trailers. Sadly, nowhere to be found is the short behind the scenes segment I seem to remember at the end of my old VHS version (which I no longer have). Nevertheless, this widescreen DVD is fantastic fun and you should pick it up right away! I can't think of anyone who would be more fun to party with on Halloween than Elvira, Mistress of the Dark!"
Elvira, mistress of MY heart!
Byron Kolln | the corner where Broadway meets Hollywood | 12/11/2000
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Cassandra Peterson stars as everyone's favourite campy horror hostess Elvira, in her debut starring film ELVIRA MISTRESS OF THE DARK. Filled with the kind of cornball fun that only she can provide, the movie is a laugh-a-minute campfest.
Fired from her late-night Public Access television show, Elvira gets another chance at fame and fortune when her long-lost Great Aunt Morgana dies and leaves her as the sole heir of the will. It's off to the small G-rated town of Falwell (get it?!), where Elvira soon finds herself a duck out of water in a community full of dim-witted yokels, led by Chastity Pariah (Edie McClurg).
Can Elvira manage to save her skin--before the town morality leaders decide to burn her as a witch? And what the heck was the "secret ingrediant" in Elvira's casserole?!
ELVIRA, MISTRESS OF THE DARK is full of the same fun and campy good humour that marked her appearances hosting "Elvira's Movie Macabre" on television. She has an instantly appealing comedy style and holds the entire film together with her zany character. The cast also includes William Morgan Shepperd, Susan Kellerman, Jeff Conaway, Daniel Greene and Pat Crawford-Brown.
The DVD from Anchor Bay includes a great new anamorphic print (with 5.1 Chace Digital sound mix); plus bonus Cassandra Peterson bio pages and trailers.
(Single-sided, single-layer disc)."
Elvira Proves She Is Queen of Scream and Just Plain Fun
Peter Saenz | Los Angeles, CA United States | 07/13/2001
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Dispite what Leonard Maltin has to say about this film, Elvira's huge, uh, ratings proves that she is definately no slouch when it comes to making a great comedy. Weither you are young or old, Elvira is one person you just gotta love. A great send-up to old horror movies, and a few recent pop-culture favorites, this movie doesn't miss a beat. From Elvira's failed attempt at cooking to her standing ovulation Flashdance number, you just have to laugh. Starring as a bored Horror Hostess on a local syndicated network, Elvira soon discovers that she has an inheritance from a long lost aunt. She leaves her crummy job and sets out to find her fortune. Little does she know she's inherited more than she's bargained for. Like the knowledge that she's decended from a major mata-physical celebrity! From then on she must contend with an evil sorcerous uncle, a shy hunky local, a jealous girl named Patty and a nosey gossip who's catty, all while trying to keep up that gorgeous do! (Try saying THAT three times fast.) Watch this movie and you'll agree, Elvira is just too funny for words."
Introducing Elvira
Vincent M. Mastronardi | Michigan | 05/11/2000
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Arrgghh! How dare Amazon not have this great campy film in stock? Please check in by Halloween, which is the best time to see the film.More hilarious and sexy than scary and ghostly, Elvira is a great fictional character that is a reviewer of bad b horror movies who just happens to find herself visiting a small highly moral town to see if she has inherited anything form a dead relative. Of course, the woman with big assets and a small dress causes wackiness to ensue as she gets a haunted house with an eerie book in the will along with a an evil uncle, an ultra conservative manic (played awesomely by Edie McClurg). Through in a love interest and a slew of teenagers that lovely the dark lady's campy shtick and you have got yourself a hell of a movie. The story is not an original at all and the witty comebacks give a chuckle or two, but it is the main character of Elvira that shines the brightest.The movie is a funny little thing and is over the top at best. Elvira just is powerful on the screen and manages to make you fall in love with that weirdo that introduces bad horror movies on cable. A very funny film that can be enjoyed by all. Please check back close to Halloween because I'm sure that the film distributor will wake up and realize what a fabulous little thing they have sales wise here. Please give it a chance By the way, I'm sure that you all no that Elvira is not real. Sorry. She is played by Cassandra Peterson, who is also one of the writers of those jokes. It is also wroth mentioning that there are videos of Elvira reviewing bad movies, which are incredible fun. Good night, boils and ghouls."
Yes...actually there is feminism in this film
Robin Orlowski | United States | 02/02/2001
(3 out of 5 stars)
"Sure, the plot heavily relies on raunch and horror and at times comes across like The Addams Family meets Melrose Place, but Elvira emerges as an unlikely heroine for women in this film. While much of her success has been written as stemming from her physical endowments, and this film also highlights them, it also focuses on her resourcefullness and her willingness to stand up for what she honestly believes in. Passivity is not in her genes either as she displays her (admirable) attitude when faced with judgemental and bigoted people or defends herself against lecherous men who can't keep their hands to themselves. There is no way she is going to let the town bigots rain on her parade and she is going to do her own thing regardless of whatever they want. Elvira even makes it a point to stand up for the rights of the repressed kids in the town and takes the granddaughter of a motel owner under her wing.Finally, the link to her mother Davana and voice urging her to "use the power" to free herself from danger speaks of women's history, however jumbled. Elvira is really one link in a long string of the original powerful and independent woman--the witch!! Sure, it's not the most realistic plot in the world, but Ms. Peterson's alter ego is a liberated woman who does not take garbage from any other character in the film and makes it clear that she is not subservient to men."