(5 out of 5 stars)
"I should say that moving is what best describes the film. Ok, it may seem chaotic sometimes and it is for sure a series of different scenes, not a mastermind plot, but life is about the flow of very different and contradictory moments, happy and sad, not about a brilliant scheme, at least as far as human beings' lives are concerned.
What I loved about this film:
a) The deep humanity in all the characters
b) The mutual affection and tenderness between Orlando Bloom and Kirsten Dunst that eventually develop into love
c) The beautiful road trip which culminates in the final embracing scene
d) The impressive soundtrack
e) The curious paradox that a dramatic fact can turn out to be a person's salvation, that is, the turning point to provide happiness. Or else, that from bad moments may come good ones. All of them unexpected. If Drew hadn't suffered that professional failure and his father hadn't died he wouldn't have met Claire and wouldn't have known real love at all. So, paradoxically, his career downfall and his father's decease led him eventually to happiness. One never knows what life has in store for each of us.
What I didn't like or felt a bit odd or else didn't undertand in the film:
a) How can a company lose almost one billion dollars just because of a pair of sport shoes?
b) Susan Sarandon's character as Drew's mother is rather preposterous
c) Drew's suicide idea is too soon, too immediate to be credible.
Apart from that, the film is so sweet that you'll feel really moved if you let yourself go wrapped by its scent.
Oh, yeah, and who risks wins, that's not controversial"