fmwaalex | Austin, TX USA | 11/17/2008
(4 out of 5 stars)
I realized the other day that I have reviewed some UFC, PRIDE FC, and IFL events but never any ELITE XC and since the company is no more [still not to sure] I just grabbed the first one I came across in the collection and popped it in.
1.JAMES THOMPSON VS BRETT ROGERS-The first round starts out explosive as James just rushes Rogers and controls Brett for the most part. That all ends when Rogers just nails Thompson with a beautiful combo and lays him out, after a knee he hits James with a 5 piece and it was 4th blow that did it. A very quick but exciting fight.5/5
2.YVES EDWARDS VS EDSON BERTO-in the next fight a UFC legend by the name of Yves Edwards would take on Edson Berto. The first and only round was amazing as both fighters really gave wonderful performances, both of them had many moments were the other was in real trouble. Both were throwing some vicious kicks and hands, setting up some nice submissions. But with like 7 seconds left while Berto was holding Yves leg Yves jumps up and lands one of the greatest knees I have ever seen, KO.5/5
3.SCOTT SMITH VS KYLE NOKE-first off I have to say that during this fight I was truly disappointed in the people at the event, these people are not true MMA fans. They actually boo these two fighters even though both throw some good strikes and counter punch equally well. They only seem to show an interest when some one flurries, which as most know opens up the aggressor to an over the top knock out blow while he is throwing those quick short punches. The first round is very well paced by both fighters and ends with both showing respect to one another. Then only 7 seconds into the second round Scott just floors Kyle with a great right hand and knocks him out, what a surprise the fans [I use that loosely] do not boo.5/5
4.ANTONIO SILVA VS RICCO RODRIGUESZ-this was a pretty big fight for Elite XC as both of these fighters are well known and have had some big fights. Good first round provided by both fighters as both spend most of the fight standing and trading blows, but towards the end Ricco takes Silva down and scores some points for that. The second round starts out looking much like the first but not to long into it Silva just dominates Ricco on the ground with some ground and pound. The third round is pretty much all Silva as he really gives it to Ricco, but the ref is really a sell out to me. When they are on the ground and Silva is on top both are working real hard with offense and defense, and just to please the crowd who only wants a knock he stands them up. Then later when Ricco takes Silva down and as he is literally throwing all kinds on punches just because they are on the ground the crowd boos, I hate fickle fake fans. It goes to the judges to name a winner, Silva is named the winner by split descion.5/5
5.KIMBO SLICE VS TANK ABBOTT-now I have to say from the start that I have always been a Tank fan and have always disliked Kimbo Slice, I hate his attitude I think is the big thing about him. My opinion of him changed after his recent loss when he carried him self as a professional even after he got knocked out, when he gave it up and showed respect to the man who just beat him my respect for him shot up. At this point though I really did not like this guy, in this fight in particular. Now during the introductions I could not believe that the people booed Tank and went for crazy for Kimbo [I guess media can actually program people to like something or someone]. The fight starts out good enough with both just going at it but once Tank goes down Kimbo illegally punches Tank 3 times on the back of the head. Once the ref calls him on it Kimbo actually pushes the ref and does not get disqualified, and also throws out his mouth piece. Kimbo wins the fight shortly after all this but even Kimbo's trainer MMA legend Bas Rutten does not look happy with Kimbo [really watch them when Kimbo wins Bas was not happen with the way Kimbo acted in the octagon]. He gives it up to Tank afterwards but that does not change how unprofessional he was during the fight, this fight proved my point to one of my friends that night. I know Bas got on Kimbo bad after this, I was totally disappointed with this fight.3/5
These fights were all the prelim fights of the night, which in most cases are better then the main card.
1.LORENZO BORGAMEO VS MIKE BERNHARD-I have to say from the jump that the few people who were there to also see the prelims are the true fans that were in attendance, and were most likely not the people who were booing during the main card. The first round is basically controlled by Mike as he takes Lorenzo down 3 times, and at one point Mike passed Lorenzo's guard and then the ref stands them up, what a cheap ref. the second round looks just like the first along with the ref standing them up, but Lorenzo wins after a triangle choke.4/5
2.ERIC BRADLEY VS MIKEY GOMES-a great back and forth first round with each fighter performing really well and working great off of the other. The second round looked a lot like the first with both doing very well against each other. The third is kinda the same but it ends up on the ground for a little bit, but it goes to a decision and Eric wins it. 4/5
3.MARIO RINALDI VS DAVE HERMAN-the first round was great as Dave bloodied Mario bad, he straight beat on Mario badly. Massive amounts of punches and some vicious knees landed on Mario, it was bad. The second round looked exactly like the first and I really started feeling bad for Mario, he took a beating. The third round ends just as it begins when the ref steps in and saves Mario, but that guy never gave up and did not get dropped.5/5
4.YOSMANY CABEZAS VS JON KIRK-the first round of this fight was amazing just non stop action by both fighters. Submission after submission, it was amazing. Then right after the second starts Cabezas sinks in a deep rear naked choke and takes a well deserved victory.5/5
5.RAFAEL FEIJAO VS JOHN DOYLE-this fight was another amazing fight and Rafael totally dominated John and laid him flat with a knee to the body. After that landed this fight was over, and before that he was putting it on Doyle. Another amazing and crazy fight for all the fans out there.5/5
This was actually a very good event minus a couple of things but over all it was good. Special features include fighter bios, all the TV promos, photo galleries, a bunch of interviews, behind the scenes features, and the post press conference."