A beautiful girl with no memory. A living weapon of unspeakable savagery. The target of a government hit squad. Meet Lucy, whose mystery past may hold the key to mankind?s future. Extremely violent and extremely entert... more »aining, this one is not for the faint of heart!« less
"Wow, it's amazing, that's all I have to say. If you're reading this, I'm sure you've already seen the first 3 DVD's, so if not then go watch them!
This DVD covers the last 3 episodes in the series, where Mariko is introduced as the #35 and Nana becomes the hunted, right along with Lucy. Of course there's plenty more death and dismemberment, and the truth about Kohta and Lucy/Nyu's connection is revealed.
This DVD doesn't disappoint, and is just as visually stunning and shocking as the rest of the series before it. I admit it, I cried during the last episode, it's rough. It wraps everything up pretty nicely, but it also has room for a sequel...because it doesn't end everyone's story, and it has almost a cliff-hanger ending. But it's excellent, worth every penny, so go and watch it!"
Sesho | Pasadena, TX USA | 11/24/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Vector 4 of Elfen Lied is the concluding volume in this brutal but beautiful story about murder, isolation, love, and science gone awry. Nana has added to Kohta's harem of cast-off girls but she is still uncomfortable because she never knows when Nyu might change into her enemy Lucy. Yuka too is feeling the heat as she sees another girl enter the already crowded picture for Kohta's affections. Meanwhile, another Diclonius is being dispatched to take out Nana and Lucy. She is #35 and her vectors are supposed to more powerful than any other. In their bid to stop Lucy, the secret organization might unleash an even greater horror.
This was a great show. Some of the content is not for the faint of heart so some people might have to look away from the screen at times. Yes, it is heartrending. There is a lot of blood and young kids and adults being manipulated by scientists that have lost their sense of morality. But the strongest emotion I got from it was love. That all these characters are so afraid of being alone. They just want a place and a family to come home to at night. A place where they can feel at peace. Hopefully, once you finish this series, you will agree that the main characters have finally reached that place."
One of the New Greats
Antonio D. Paolucci | Beaver Falls, PA | 11/22/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
"From the start, Elfen Lied caught me. Volume one concentrated solely on introducing the violence and free-range nudity that pollutes this anime series. Volume two gets us deeper into the characters and their separate relationships, as well as introducing a few new characters before killing them off (usually). Volume three explores the history of the main characters, including Lucy's terrible childhood.
In volume four, they continued the tradition of steady progression by creating the end of this horribly magnificent anime. It deepens the history between Kohta and Nyu, as well as introducing the third Diclonius who's more powerful than the first two combined, and far more sadistic than Nyu's alter-ego Lucy.
Though spattered with blood and gore, the ending of this anime series is satisfying and doesn't leave many of the questions unanswered (though, as is wont of anime, the very end is left wide-open). I found myself yelling at the TV screen in suspense, and leaning forward in my seat on those particularly touching scenes. The violence, though disturbing, mixed well with an equally disturbing story and plot.
This a series that may not go down as one of the best because of its content, but in my personal opinion I consider it in my top five among anime series. It takes a long time for the story to come through but when it does it does so with excellence. I'd recommend the ultra violent Elfen Lied series to anyone who doesn't mind the color red. It has the power to become a magical anime in the future."
The final peices
Brian Taylor | Ithaca, NY, US | 11/06/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Before this anime was slated for US release [which SHOCKED me; noting its content] I had watched it via fansubing. When it was licensed and released I quickly picked up the first 3 vectors; and now with the 4th vector my official collection will be complete! I have to say that these last three episodes are the pinicle of all anime finalies I have ever seen. The puzzle comes together (well, most of it anyway...). I wont give spoilers away...but let me say that these three episodes are not the typical anti-climatic anime end. I found that the falling action was brief; but then agian; this is a 13 episode series.
I hope that all fans of Elfen Lied petition for the official release of the OVA; while it is really just an offshoot between Episodes 10 and 11; it is something that I feel every fan should watch. I am also glad that it takes place when it does...
Excellent art; story; and everything else. If you havent gotten any of the vectors yet; what is wrong with you? This story is deep, compelling, _mature_, and a modern masterpiece."
Series come to a close [possible spoilers]
K. Sylverne | Chicago, IL United States | 01/24/2006
(4 out of 5 stars)
"As much as I really really would love to give the ending of this series 5 stars I really can't bring myself to.
It does a wonderful job with wrapping up all the relationship ties, and the dilconious in general, however there are a lot of things left unsaid as well, that kinda get to me.
In this DVD Kohta remembers the past, and realizes that he knows Lucy from that which he's blocked. The scene in which Lucy is slaughtering the enforcements with Kohta holding his head and screaming is one that is emotionally moving and captivating. It just really is one of those scenes that was done beautifully.
We're introduced to Dilconious #35, who was the only third generation kept alive, for reasons we find out later. She's extremly brutal and dangerous, and just generally doesn't like human beings. However as with all the dilconious, her story is sad and in the end she just wants to be loved by her parents, which she was and is.
Nana's situation is resolved and she ends up living happily, as everyone does in a more or less depressing way. Lucy and Kohta confront one another, however what happens to Lucy is left unsaid. As is what's left with the company that was testing the dilconious in general and the head honcho.
That's the only biggest complaint of mine, is that there was too much open-endess. The ending scene itself was played out wonderfully, but just what happened to the science lab, the rest of the Dilconious being experimented on, and the big boss with the horns was never really clarified. I suppose we're led to believe that Lucy and them tear eachother apart. It would've been nice for a little bit more clarification.
Despite this fault, the series as a whole was one that was haunting, beautiful, brutal, and emotional. The opening song, Lilium, is the perfect song for this series, and sets it up for what we're in store for. Its short, but it accomplishes much in its shortness.
Sadly ADV seems to have not included the extra OVA episode that was released in Japan. I wished they had since I highly recommend finding a copy of it. The episode shows that Lucy is more than just a ruthless killing machine after what she did to Kohta. She really does have emotion in her and a sort of skewed kindness, which is shown in that episode, and shows how she was captured exactly.
As for the extras, it has a bit more than it usually does. I think the gem was the Japanese cover art. They were pretty, and I wish ADV had used these covers instead of the dark and brutal ones. I really have a dislike that ADV marketed this for its blood and violence, since I don't think that's what this series is all about at all."