El ambicioso y celoso Remo es atravesado por la espada de su hermano gemelo Rómulo cuando ambos se disputan la dirección de la empresa, la ciudad de Roma. Al advertir los romanos que no tienen mujeres, Rómul... more »o ordena a su lugarteniente Hostes que las consiga en los pueblos vecinos. Hostes fracasa en su viaje, por lo que los romanos deciden organizar una gran fiesta, e invitar a ella a las hermosas Sabinas y raptarlas. Las Sabinas acuden con sus hombres a la fiesta. al final de ella, los romanos provocan gran batalla para vencer a los Sabinos y quedarse con sus mujeres. Romulus kills his overly ambitious twin brother Remus in a dispute over the control of Rome. When the Romans become aware that they have no women, Romulus orders his lieutenant Hostes to get them from neighboring villages. Hostes fails in his mission and the Romans organize a big party and invite the beautiful Sabine women so they can kidnap them. The women, however, arrive at the party with their men, so the Romans start a battle, defeat the Sabine men and keep the women, who are unhappy in their captivity, especially the daughters of the Sabine king who have been taken by Romulus and Hostes. The Sabine king leads an army to attacks Rome, intending to free the women. A battle ensues and the Sabine women put an end to the fighting when they declare their love for the Romans.« less