Después de tener gran éxito como boxeador, Sergio tiene que enfrentarse a la mafia...que lo incrimina falsamente en un contrabando de esmeraldas. Demostrar su inocencia será su triunfo final. Todo comienza c... more »on un promotor de boxeo que utiliza a sus boxeadores para el tráfico de esmeraldas. Este arregla un encuentro boxístico para Sergio, que se convierte en la nueva promesa boxística y que triunfa pese al fraude. Sin embargo, el éxito abruma a Sergio, quien se olvida de su familia mientras viven momentos difíciles. Le da por los excesos y baja su rendimiento y el promotor lo despoja de todos los bienes que le había dado y le manda dar una golpiza. A pesar de todo, su familia no lo abandona, y su novia y su hermano lo ayudan a desenmascarar al promotor. After being successful as a boxer, Sergio has to fight the mob, which frames him in an emerald smuggling deal. Sergio?s final triumph will be to clear his name. It all begins with a promoter who uses his fighters to traffic in emeralds. He arranges a fight for Sergio, who wins and soon becomes a star of the ring. Success goes to his head and he ignores his family, which is having a difficult time. He indulges in excesses and his boxing suffers. The promoter takes away everything he had given Sergio and arranges to give him a beating. Sergio?s family stays loyal throughout and, with the help of his girlfriend and brother, Sergio is able to expose the promoter. In Spanish No Subtitles« less