El parrandero Luis llega con su amigo Antonio a San Miguel para reunirse con su abuela, doña Luisa, y su hermana, Esther. Sin que ellos lo sepan, ha sido su compañera de tren Rosita, ahijada de doña Luisa. E... more »sta recibe con bofetadas y bastonazos a Luis y Antonio, pues se ha enterado que antes de llegar han estado armando escándalos en las cantinas del pueblo. Viendo próxima su muerte, la abuela hace jurar a Luis ante la virgen de Guadalupe que abandonará su vida licenciosa hasta no casar a Esther, que es muy tímida. Muere doña Luisa; Luis y Antonio buscan un marido para Esther en un carnicero bonachón y en un adolescente ingenuo. Ninguno es del agrado de Esther, que se ha enamorado de Antonio Party-loving Luis and his friend Antonio arrive in San Miguel to visit Luis? grandmother, Doña Luisa, and his sister, Esther. They don?t know that Rosita, Doña Luisa?s goddaughter, was on the same train. When Luis and Antonio arrive, grandmother takes her cane to them, for she has learned that they have caused trouble in the town bars. With her days coming to an end, grandmother makes Luis swear that he will forsake his partying ways until he marries off his sister Esther, who is very shy. Doña Luisa dies and Luis and Antonio look for suitors for Esther in a good-natured butcher and a naïve adolescent. Neither is acceptable to Esther, who has fallen in love with an uncaring Antonio« less