Victór Rincón y José Mancilla son dos bandoleros que se han adueñado de la región, robando ranchos y animales y matando a quien se oponga a sus planes. Un día aparece un hombre enmascarado que... more » mata con un solo tiro en la frente a todo bandolero que se le pone enfrente. Como nadie ha podido herirlo, lo consideran un ser extraordinario y lo bautizan con el nombre de "EL HIJO DEL DIABLO". El ranchero Don Alejandro se niega a someterse a Víctor y sus secuaces y su hija Isabel rechaza a Víctor, que está enamorado de ella. Un día, Isabel se encuentra sola en la playa y Víctor ve la ocasión de aprovecharse de ella, pero la salva "El Hijo del Diablo". Víctor and José are bandits who have taken over the region, holding up ranches, stealing cattle and killing anyone who gets in their way. One day, a masked man appears who kills bandits with a single shot between the eyes. Since no one is able to even wound him, the locals consider him a charmed being and call him the Son of the Devil. Don Alejandro is a rancher who will not submit to Víctor and his gang and his daughter Isabel rejects the advances of Víctor, who is attracted to her. One day, Isabel is alone at the beach and Víctor seeks to have his way with her, but the Son of the Devil arrives just in time.« less