Roberto es un humilde trabajador indio que acaba de llegar a la capital a casa de sus parientes, unos interesados. Al no traer dinero consigo, Roberto se ve obligado a trabajar como albañil en una construcción. ... more »El único que lo quiere y trata de ayudarlo es su padrino, quien de joven vivió amoríos con la madre de Roberto. Este trata de sobrevivir entre la vida de la ciudad, la explotación de parte de sus familiares y su trabajo, donde hay rumores de que alguien seduce y mata mujeres alrededor de la construcción. Aventuras, risas y suspenso se vierten en esta película que lo mantendrá entretenido. Roberto is a humble, hard-working native who has just arrived in the big city and is living with his selfish relatives. Since he has no money, Roberto is forced to take a job as a bricklayer in a construction site. The only one who likes him and tries to help him is his godfather, who as a young man had an affair with Roberto?s mother. Roberto is barely surviving, what with life in the big city, the exploitation by his relatives and his tough work, where there are rumors that someone is seducing and killing women around the construction site. Adventure, suspense and laughter are part of this entertaining movie.« less