Contains Pain Free Workout Vol 1 & 2. Vol 1 focuses on proper alignment, posture, and muscle engagement. Follow along with Liba Placek, the Egoscue Director of Athletics, and Brian Bradley, the Egoscue VP of Therapy Pr... more »otocol, as they teach you powerful techniques to restore flexibility and strength, while at the same time, rejuvenating your body. The result is the elimination of muscular and skeletal pain. This workout is designed for those who do not exercise on a regular basis and can be acomplished by everyone regardless of age or ability! You will realize the added flexability and strength to help improve your posture and relieve pain. This 47 minute DVD includes one version of the workout in a similar format to other exercise DVD s. It also includes a bonus version that features the video with only the original music score and audible cues letting you know when to go to the next exercise. With no verbal instructions, you can enjoy your workout with only the beautiful, original musical score in the background. With Pain Free Workout, you will learn how easy it is to improve your body s alignment, strengthen important postural muscles and add the flexibility necessary to rid yourself of the pain that can make daily life a challenge. These extraordinary workouts feature The Egoscue Method, which has been used by tens of thousands of people just like you for over 25 years, and is now available for the first time to use in your own home. The exercises in the workouts are taken from the best selling Book Pain Free . The Egoscue Pain Free Workout DVD for Advanced Users incorporates all the most effective Egoscue E-cises into one challenging, easy to follow workout. Use of this program will give you proper alignment, correct posture, and active muscle engagement that will eliminate your pain. Over twenty five years of expertise, working with tens of thousands of clients, has provided Egoscue with the knowledge incorporated in this truly extraordinary workout program. This program is recommended for anyone in good physical condition or currently in an exercise program. This DVD includes a 42 minute workout, plus 2 bonus versions of the workout presented to you by Liba Placek. One version does not include the instructor s cues, only the original music score and an audible sound when you are to change exercises. After you ve learned all the exercises, this version will allow you to enjoy the beautiful background music without having to listen to the instructor s voice. The third version features Brian Bradley as he explains to you in technical terms every exercise, how it is affecting you body, and the reason for its use.« less
"This DVD consists of a Beginner Level and an Advanced Level.
The Beginner level I can attest to as being wonderful in that right from the first session, the positions you learn and the exercises you practice are simple and easy yet they provide, each time, surprisingly more ease of pain and better postural alignment than you might ever hope to expect from any single session or effort. The pacing is calm and harmonious -- at least for the first half of the session, and it feels much like a one-on-one Pilates class or a Yoga session for beginners.
The Advanced Level I merely previewed. It is a much more intense level of exercise requiring a lot of strength and stamina, particularly in the abs, moreso than any Beginner level participant can expect to exhibit.
I got a lot of ease of pain and better postural alignment with the Beginner level, a level of ease that lasted for hours and sometimes the whole day. The results I achieved were astonishing, surprising, and wonderful.
The production values for this DVD are, sadly, weak and irritating, however.
In the Beginner level, two people help you with the program to become pain-free. One is a woman performing the exercises and the other is a male instructor explaining the exercises. About half-way through the session, the male instructor begins to talk more volubly than at the beginning and he begins to talk in more of a militaristic tone of voice than he did at the beginning. Increasingly, the voice becomes unadulteratedly louder and more robotic. The calming and harmonious experience one first experiences with this DVD and with this pair of people begins to dissipate rapidly. The male voice distracts and annoys. His voice is such that you cannot bear listening to him upon further playbacks of the session. This is a production problem that interferes with one's motivation to repeat the session for the next day.
The DVD offers you the choice to turn the sound off -- wonder why!? --- and listen to programmed music instead. However, the programed musical offering is but a single folk song that repeats and repeats throughout the entire session. It is also a piece of music that is set up to cue you when the next exercise is coming up. I found the musical timer inadequate. I found it better to memorize the entire repertoire of exercises for the Beginner level and turn the sound off completely.
In the Advanced level, there is only one person to help you with the exercises, which is actually quite fine and really a relief after partaking of what's (irritatingly) possible with two people helping you at the Beginner level. This one person is the same woman from the Beginner program, acting now as both performer and instructor. Her body is slender and lithe, athletic and natural, and her speaking voice is clear and natural as well. Her cues are well accented, but she moves quite fast. It is not a calming, harmonious experience she is delivering here; she is offering you a work-out.
Shamefully, there is no Intermediate level in this DVD. The difference between the Beginner level and the Advanced level is so stark and dramatic, there is no way a Beginner can, even after months of practice, transition easily to the Advanced level. You're completely on your own as to how to manage this trick. The Advanced level requires such strength and demands such intensity, it also can't be used by anyone who truly is in severe pain, no matter how fit he or she is. It can only be used by the fit and the already well individual who wants to improve his or her postural alignment.
I found that the DVD does do what it says it will do: make you pain-free. However, the means this particular DVD uses can be taxing and annoying for the viewer.
My advice is to write down all the exercises and memorize them, put your own music on your iPod or CD player, and perform the program yourself without the DVD.
Great Program, please try it, you will be very impressed.
EK | Philadelphia, PA | 08/05/2007
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I only wish I started this program earlier. I spent almost a year doing PT, visiting orthopedic surgeons/sport medicine specialists, and going through massages, acupuncture, and chiropractors. It was all palliative. This is eliminating my shoulder and hip pain, addressing the etiology. I am a medical professional with very physically demanding, ergonomically- stressful job. I was also exercising and doing yoga a lot.
Egoscue is a genius."
Excellent Instruction with great results!
Claudia Hafner | 11/06/2007
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I am already a fan of the Egoscue Method and their products and services and I found this product to be, by far, very instructional and beneficial. I found the attention given on how to do the exercises correctly to be the key to benefiting from these exercises. Pain that had resided in my lower back for years, is suddenly gone. The stretches induced by the exercises are WONDERFUL. And this review is just about disk 1! I haven't gotten to disk 2 yet. I don't know if this is for everyone, but I do know that it's for me and I expect to enjoy these disks for many years to come."
Not what you think
J. Kercher | Spokane, WA. USA | 07/26/2009
(2 out of 5 stars)
"While the egoscue program is a good one this DVD is NOT for everyone and definitly should NOT be used until an individual has achieved proper realignmnet. I give this DVD a 2 star because it implies you can achieve proper alignment using the exercises on this DVD when in fact you can not. Most of the exercises in the DVD are for building strength and flexibility once you have returned to proper alignment through the use of the exercises in the book or with a certified egoscue instructor. The exercises on the DVD are NOT the same as the ones in the book and can actually cause more pain if you are still out of alignment and use them as was the case with me. Sadly there is nothing in the editorial review or on the DVD package that tells you this.
This information regarding the DVD exercises was told to me by Michael Bellofatto from Egoscue.
Get the book FIRST and do those exercises first, that's where you need to start before spending money on this DVD!
The best would be if Egoscue would make a DVD of the exercises in the book so we all could learn how to do them correctly and help ourselves, for those of us who can't afford or don't have access to and Egoscue clinic or instructor. Plus exercising from a book is just darn awkward!"
Nice Complement to other Egoscue Products
Terri Fawn Howard | 12/23/2007
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Egoscue's "Pain Free Workout Series, Vol. 1 and 2 (well, Vol. 1 at least) complements nicely the exercises found in his books "Pain Free" and "The Egoscue Method of Health Through Motion". As one reviewer has already pointed out, you practically have to be in possession of super-human powers to successfully navigate the second disc. (After two grueling, profanity-laden attempts, I've more or less shelved it--and I'm in decent physical condition--I think.) Be that as it may, there's plenty to keep the highly motivated user busy on the beginner disc, and it doesn't take long to begin seeing and feeling the benefits. Granted, some may find the lengthy explanations of each exercise overwhelming, as Mr. Exercise Physiologist fires off the names of muscle after muscle, at times grappling with his tortured diction. And the ultra-fit, middle-aged exercise model of Continental origin does pose some unnecessary (i.e., stupid) questions. Nevertheless, I, for one, am simply glad to have a knowledgeable human being guiding me through these E-cises, pointing out subtleties that I've sometimes missed in the books."