Not nescesarally his worst
richard hood | lusby, md United States | 02/19/2003
(4 out of 5 stars)
"five years ago, my wife brought this video home for us to watch,-after having brought the first two home for us to watch. this movie seemed somehow prophetic at the time. it was. she left me a month after we watched it. I found it dreary and depressing at the time,- and needless to say; - Ive had no desire to watch it since. but along with ALL his other movies, Ive ordered it on DVD from amazon[.com]. what I take away from it is that no-wheresville small towns CAN have attributes [its POSSIBLE], and edward burns himself. he plays more or less the same character in all of his films,- cool, detatched yet involved, and AWARELY EXPERIENCING life. above all-solid. his character in every film thinks and feels, yet at root, theres nothing thats going to DESTROY this guy. a man engaged in life for the long haul."
Lauren Holly is fantastic............
Michael Bolts | superior, wiusa | 03/04/2005
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Edward Burns (Life Or Something Like It, Confidence) directed, wrote and stars in this drama about Charlies (Burns) who comes back to his hometown after missing years on end when he went away. Now, he comes back and find that things have changed when his ex-girlfriend Claudia, played by Lauren Holly (Any Given Sunday, Dumb & Dumber) is now with his old buddy Michael, played by Jon Bon Jovi (Vampires: Los Muertos, Homegrown) and they are engaged but she doesnt have the ring yet. Charlie's return brings back the past into his and Claudia's relationship. Claudia had an abortion and after she had it she found out that she couldnt bare any children. Charlie wants her to leave town with her. Claudia's and Michael's relationship start to crumble. Fantatic performances by the 2 guys but what really made this movie shine was Lauren Holly...she nailed her part. Also starring Jennifer Esposito (Tv's Spin City, Dracula 2000), Connie Britton (Tv's Spin City) and Blythe Danner (Cruel Doubt, Meet The Fockers, Meet The Parents). Executice Produced by Robert Redford. Burns hits this one full on though it isnt his best movie he has done, still its a pretty good movie."
RACEGAL8 | Chicago | 10/13/2000
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Edward Burns is a great writer and director and all three films in this set are great. My favorite of the three is No Looking Back. It's a great story about a woman freeing herself from a life going nowhere and becoming an independent person. It's a great story and all three lead actors in the movie are perfect in their roles. I was skeptical about Jon Bon Jovi, but, he proved me wrong once again. The other two movies are absolutely fabulous also!!! Ed Burns is three for three!!! Highly recommended."
No Looking Back -- Captivating
RACEGAL8 | 03/21/2001
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This movie is captivating. I'm sorry that this point of view is lost on the professional reviewer, and anyone else unable to enjoy it as such. For me it is utterly memorable. It appears to have been made not just carefully, but with loving attention to detail. I've seen it twice and look forward to watching it again. RELEASE THE SOUNDTRACK -- PLEASE!"