Restored and Remastered ... more » The Starlight, a decrepit hotel run by Judd (Neville Brand), receives few customers. Perhaps it?s the remote location in the Texas bayous. Perhaps it?s the owner's violent mood swings. Or perhaps it?s the man-eating crocodile in the backyard. But one dark steamy night finds the Starlight visited by a runaway prostitute (Roberta Collins, Death Race 2000), a young couple (Marilyn Burns and William Finley) and their child (Kyle Richards, Halloween), a dying father and his daughter (Mel Ferrer and Crystin Sinclaire), and sex-obsessed Buck (Robert Englund, A Nightmare on Elm Street), all of whom will experience an unforgettable night of terror at the hands of Judd and his pet croc. A raw, violent, and bizarre portrayal of madness run amok in rural America, Eaten Alive was director Tobe Hooper's follow-up to the international hit, The Texas Chain Saw Massacre. Dark Sky Films proudly presents this two-disc special edition which features a brand new transfer from long-lost vault materials and never-before-seen bonus features. Bonus Features Include:
Feature-length audio commentary w/ producer Mardi Rustam, actors Roberta Collins, William Finley and Kyle Richards, & make-up artist Craig Reardon
"The Gator Creator: Tobe Hooper"
"My Name is Buck: Robert Englund
"The Butcher of Elmendorf: The Legend of Joe Ball"
"5ive Minutes with Marilyn Burns"
Theatrical Trailers (x7)
TV Spots (x2)
Radio Spots (x2)
Still Gallery Slideshow (motion)
Alternate Credits and Title Sequences (x2)« less
"First off: Elite's widescreen DVD is terrific - this is the best this film is ever going to look. This semi-disappointing follow-up to Texas Chainsaw Massacre involves a lunatic who kills guests and feeds their bodies to a crocodile that lives in the next door swamp. Things are off to a slow start at the beginning (you get a lot of sleazy decor) but once Hooper cranks up the action to ram speed there are enough ladies screaming, prostitutes running, lords-a-leaping, maids-a-milking - you get the idea. The only problem is the hotel set. It looks like a cheap set. In the chase scenes, there is no camera movement - everyone just runs around in circles in one wide shot. The crocodile is not the most realistic thing ever (the victims can be seen forcing themselves into its mouth). Yet, the performances are good and the whole affair is actually very disturbing. On that note, I recommend you check into this "Horror Hotel" for a little "Starlight Slaughter" if you know what I mean."
3 1/2 stars - Especially for fans of The Texas Chainsaw Mass
Korwedge | Seattle, WA USA | 03/13/2006
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Eaten Alive is a fun and twisted low-budget horror that fans of the original Texas Chainsaw Massacre will enjoy. Three of the original cast and crew take part in this movie, and as you watch, you will often be reminded of TCM. The soundtrack to this film is very similar to TCM, but still original.
There is a fair amount of unnecessary dialogue and adding crocidiles to this storyline seems a bit gimmicky, besides, they look really fake. Expect a small amount of really well done gore effects.
The story here isn't really about the crocodiles at all, it's about the creepy motel manager. He is really strange, but not nearly as creepy as some of the characters in Texas Chainsaw Massacre.
Overall Eaten Alive is a better than average horror flick that verges on being really creepy! 3 1/2 STARS"
creatureart | Massachusetts | 09/21/2004
(5 out of 5 stars)
"now this is the real "TEXAS CHAINSAW MASSACRE PART 2" I mean this flick is just flat out great!!!!! I love it!! Weather people want to admit it or not this flick has alot of the same quality atmosphere that (T.C.M.)has. The psycho in this flick is a psycho!!! He reminds u of all three sick-os in (T.C.M.)"leatherface" "weasley little brother" & "the cook" all rolled up in one nuttt cake of a dude & in my opinion thats where 75% of the creeeepy sick-o atmosphere comes from. The other 25% is split between the gator & the isolated setting. This is TOBE HOOPER'S ultimate underrated movie & I truley believe that this movie would have been recieved much better by the public & critics if it wasn't for the massive sucsess of "TEXAS CHAINSAW MASSACRE" & also if it wasn't released so soon after (T.C.M.) there might have been some breathing room for it to blossom on its own. Anyway I think this belongs in every true fanz horror collection with out a doubt!! So get it! Later on fellow horror fanz!!! E!!!N!!!J!!!O!!!Y!!!"
Welcome to Horror Hotel
ZombieMan 5000 | Burnham, Maine United States | 02/02/2006
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Having done mostly TV prior to Eaten Alive Neville Brand stands out as a psychotic redneck who owns a dilapidated hotel in the backwater swamps of Louisiana. He kills people and feeds their bodies to a large pet crocodile he keeps in the swamp beside his estableshment. Also of note is a very young Robert Englund as Buck the local punk. although not even close to Tobe Hoopers Texas Chainsaw Massacre it does have bad acting, gratuitous nudity, and a splattering of gore to make it viewable as a friday night B-movie. . FYI This is ranked against other B-movies. To rank it against Hollywood blockbusters puts it at about 2 stars."
This is Tobe Hooper
ZombieMan 5000 | 01/18/2004
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Chainsaw is the perfect horror movie, and although this is no chainsaw, it is definitley the work of the same man. This is about as good a terror film can be without being TCM. The film is never boring, the villian is ultra creepy (think drayton sawyer from TCM running a hotel), and the cinematography is perfect. I'm not exactly sure what everyones problem is with the music, it seems to fit seamlessly. Well I'm sorry folks, I just gotta say i like this one. The gator effects however do leave a little to be desired."