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Earl Kress

DVDs Earl Kress helped create...

Currently Available DVDs (2)

2006 - Baby Looney Tunes Vol 1 Playday Pals

Genres: Kids & Family, Television, Animation
2002 - Transformers Season One (Collector's Edition)

Genres: Action & Adventure, Kids & Family, Science Fiction & Fantasy, Mystery & Suspense, Anime & Manga, Animation

Currently Unavailable DVDs (7)

2014 - Steven Spielberg Presents Animaniacs Wakko's Wish

2012 - Tom Jerry Robin Hood His Merry Mouse

2011 - The Fox and the Hound / The Fox and the Hound Two (30th Anniversary Edition)

Genres: Action & Adventure, Kids & Family, Animation
2007 - Baby Looney Tunes Vol 3 - Puddly Olympics

2006 - Baby Looney Tunes Vol 2 Let's Play Pretend

2003 - Baby Looney Tunes' Eggs-Traordinary Adventure

2000 - The Fox and the Hound (Disney Gold Classic Collection)