Cyberslam '99 - One of ECW's Best!
Ben "Wiseguy" Janu | Cloud City, MN USA | 11/16/2002
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Personally I thought this event was missing something, up until the main event there was only 4 tables used, 2 in one match. The Wrestling makes up for the lack of extreme and the main event just takes it past the EXTREME!1. Jerry Lynn vs. Yoshihiro Tajiri (Debut). Tajiri, hit with Grey and Blue design short tights, with matching kneepads and blue boots, is a rookie in his debut match in ECW, barring a shaved face. Still the ruthless Japenese Buzzsaw that we all grew to love, though! Great methodical match with tremendous Counters and holds in this match. (4.5/5)2. Nova and Chris Chetti vs. Rod Price and Skull Von Krush. The match starts off really boring in a one on one match with Nova (Same costume and stupid movements without the face paint) vs. Rod Price. Boring start but then Skull Von Krush comes out and starts the beating on Nova until Chris Chetti comes out and makes the save and the match ends about two minutes later. (1/5)- Lance Storm/Tommy Dreamer Altercation. Everyone made it sound like it's a huge altercation, it's not. He takes Lance Storm's urine sample and pours it on Lance.3. Super Crazy vs. Mosco de la Merced (Extreme Lucha Libre). Awesome match, very lucha but involved alot more high flying then I expected. Both of these men are excellent Cruisers and would love to see them in NWA: TNA (Where they care about the talent) or WWE (Where JR Tells You To TONE IT DOWN!). Super Crazy was extra special in this match and it's going down as a great Extreme Lucha Libre match, just like Juventud Guererra vs. Rey Misterio Jr. did! (5/5)4. TAKA Michinoku vs. Papi Chulo. Named Essa Rios in the WWE, Papi Chulo and TAKA Michinoku show why they were the most under-utilized cruiserweights in the WWE! This match is awesome and TAKA just continue's to impress me and Papi Chulo takes my image of Essa Rios and takes it to the Extreme. (4.5/5 - Too Short!)5. Rob Van Dam (c) vs. 2 Cold Scorpio (ECW Television Championship). Both men set out to impress but comes out short. My expectations of 2 Cold Scorpio were never high (not a fan) but this match disappointed me and I though It could have been better. Rob Van Dam and 2 Cold Scorpio, despite both being high-flyers, did not gel too well together. IMO it seemed they held back a little, and Triple H wasn't even in ECW! Despite being praised by alot of people, 2 Cold Scorpio has never raised my eyebrow for any match. But he did hit a nice variation arabian moonsault. Sabu makes an impact as the first table of the event was utilized in this match!(4/5)6. Taz (c) vs. Chris Candino w/. Tammy Lynn Sytch (ECW World Heavyweight Championship). They kind of wasted what was to be an excellent match with a stupid ending but another table was used! Chris Candino impressed me in this match, more than he has ever and I am not the biggest Candino fan. (4/5 - Bad Ending!)7. "The Franchise" Shane Douglas w/. Francine vs. Justin Credible w/. Jason and Unknown Woman (Jazz). Good match but got boring in parts. A total of 4 tables all together on this pay per view so far, as two tables were used in this match. Nice sequence of the Signapore Cane at the ending mark of the match.8. The Dudley Boys and Mr. Mustafa vs. Balls Mahoney, Axl Rotten, and "The Gangsta" New Jack (Steel Cage Match). One of the most brutal cage matches I have witnessed (Besides the Hardcore History cage match)! Match starts without New Jack as "He left the building" 30 to 45 minutes before this match. D-Von Dudley vs. Axl Rotten to start the match off. Soon after Buh Buh Ray Dudley is brought into the mix, then Axl and finally Mustafa. New Jack appears as the countdown ends seconds earlier. The Six man tag is brutal, violent and took this pay per view to the extreme. Good aftermath as well. (4.5/5)All in all, I recommend this DVD over almost all other Pay Per View DVD's. Won't be disappointed!"
punkrockbj | Council Bluffs, IA United States | 07/25/2002
(3 out of 5 stars)
"A lot of matches that occured at this show probably won't be on the DVD, but the ones that have to be are a great six man cage match with Balls Mahoney, Axl Rotten, and New JAck, up against Mustafa, and the Dudley Boyz. A lot of blood and a great jump by New Jack. Also Shane Douglas against Justin Credible, Tommy Dreamer pouring urine on Lance Storm, Rob Van Dam against a returning 2 Cold Scorpio, and Taz vs Chris Candido, there were a lot of matches with jobbers and little known wrestlers (at the time) which probably wont be on this DVD, but should be, this is a good show for anyone who has never seen ECW!"
Could have been better.....
chronox009 | Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco Mexico | 08/25/2003
(4 out of 5 stars)
"This event was great, even though i expected more tables, but all in all a great event.1. Jerry Lynn vs Tajiri: Tajiri's debut match. It has some stiff kicks from tajiri (as always) cool counters & some holds, 4/52. Nova and Chris Chetti vs Rod Price and Skull Von Krush: This is a card filler, skip it. 1/53. Super Crazy vs Mosco de la Merced: Mexican Extreme Lucha Libre, this match is great those two are "locos" they turned this wrestling match into an aerial warfare! Creazy is Insane and so is el mosco. 5/54. TAKA Michinoku vs Papi Chulo (Essa Rioss): Another aerial warfare brought to you by ECW, the fans welcomed back TAKA and he didn't let them down, the match included some wicked moves like an inverted suplex into a michinoku driver!! and a great display of moves by Essa Rios so bad that the match was so short 4.5/55. Rob Van Dam (c) vs 2 Cold Scorpio: I've never seen 2 cold Scorpio perform before and i was quite impressed when i saw what he can do (sommersault leg drop, a variation of an arabian press), RVD is good as always. This match includes the stiffest kick I've ever seen (I thought RVD was KO'd!), some interference by sabu. Cool match 4.5/56. Taz vs Chris Candido: This match could have been great but the spot whre Taz "break's candido's neck blow the match, the ending is cool. 3/57. Shane Douglas vs Justin Credible: ok match lot's of canning and blood (hey shane nice blade job!! ¬_¬!!) cool match, 2 tables were used and an appeareance by dreamer 3.5/58. Dudley's and Mr. Mustafa vs Balls Mahoney, Axl Rotten, and "The original gangsta" New Jack: B R U T A L match.. lots of blood a cheese grater, a fork and a whole other bunch of weapons are included in this cage war. nice guitar shot by new jack, 3.5/5 (I'm not a fan of those guys)You shoul give it a try it's a cool event! ¬_¬!!"
The most extreme event of them all
Ben "Wiseguy" Janu | 10/14/2002
(4 out of 5 stars)
"i recently recived ecw cyberslam and it was the most extreme video i have ever seen here's some great non spoilers
match 1
jerry lynn vs tajiri
this match was great everything happened and jerry lynn was impressive just weeks before his rematch with rvd
tommy dreamer/lance storm confrontation it was very well thought out
ma5ch 2
nova vs rod price
pointless trying to review this match
match 3
super crazy vs el moscalo de merced
great lucha libre match
match 4
taka michinoku vs essa rios
great match taka looked tremendous
match 5
for the ecw television championshipm
mr monday night rob van dam vs too cold scorpio
anyone who is thinking of not only buying this video but watching this match make sure you have a dramaene handy if you have motion sickness problems
match 6
for the ecw title
mr no gimmicks needed chris candido vs taz
great match bad ending
match 7
the franchise shane douglas vs justin credible
extremely brutal match tremendous angle here because these guys were scheduled match for the following ecw pay per view five weeks later.
main event
ecw six man war games cage match
the dudley boyz and mr mustapha vs the chair swinging freaks and new jack
if you have a weak stomach and you're thinking of watching this match keep a barf bag handy because this match is incredibly bloody match with a great ending."