This hugely popular prime-time soap opera follows the exploits of the Carringtons and Colbys, both "oilrich" family dynasties in Denver, CO, as they accrue and manipulate power and wealth.
"I give this one star because we are rating not just the show but, the actual DVD product. The show would probably get four or five stars but, the DVD they are releasing would get a negative 5 if that were possible.
After releasing a full season for each of the first 2 seasons i find it sickening that the corporate company(Paramount) would do this now. I recently read a post where someone had mentioned the idea of buying used. That way they lose sales as they deserve to do for being so blatently greedy. That's what i had decided to do when manufacturers come out with split seasons.
You can find them used, a little while after the are released from a reputable seller on Amazon or ebay. Don't keep the greedy corporate big-wigs living in houses similar to the Carrington estate. You are shelling out extra money in hard times for a show you love while the "powers that be" are probably hiring more servants to wait on them in their mansions. Paramount is notorious for pulling this this stunt. There many other companies who do not do this and only release full seasons. If the other companies see Paramount getting away with this i'm afraid they will follow suit."
Does Anyone Know There is a Recession Going On?
Daniel J. Seitler | USA | 04/10/2008
(1 out of 5 stars)
"You know I love Dynasty. I really do. But this is the limit. How on earth in today's economy do today's entertainment companies think they can suddenly get away with splitting TV series seasons and doubling their prices?
Sorry gang you'd better start thinking in the other direction.
How about a two seasons for the price of one sale?
I am no longer collecting TV show DVDs that split seasons in their raw bid to bleed our pockets dry. I can not afford it and there are millions just like me.
Sorry Alexis- I love you- but the truth is I just saw the whole Dynasty cycle on Soapnet and now I can sell my Season's 1 and 2 on eBay. At these prices it is simply not worth it.
Thanks but no thanks."
Woe to you, greedy corporate monster.
Nostalgia Buff | Studio City, CA United States | 03/17/2008
(1 out of 5 stars)
"There is absolutely NO reason to split this season up other than sheer greed. Do the math and you will see what I mean. I bought the first two seasons of this show and was already annoyed at the snail's pace with which they were being released. After the awesome packaging of season 2, I thought everything would be this.
I'm not sure if this is Paramount's or the Spelling estate's doing. I do know that "Love Boat" is splitting up the season as well and it also is a Spelling show (Perhaps Candi Spelling needs another gift wrapping room?).
In any event, if not for the fact that this was my favorite show from the 80s, I would not buy this set out of sheer protest and disgust. I think the disrespect that Paramount or Candi Spelling is showing to their customers is reprehensible. I do know that I will not touch any Paramount show, such as "Love Boat" that continues to put out half seasons. Unfortunately, I love Dynasty enough to take the abuse for this one show, but this is IT. Shame on them."
"What a yummy guilty pleasure this show was. When I was in high school, Wednesday nights was campy Dynasty night. It was the silliest, most glamorous escapsim you could imagine. Yes, utter nonsense most of the time, but really fun nonetheless. Dynasty was a colorful and over the top extravaganza that kept us coming back for more drama and fashion and fights.
I have enjoyed a lot of TV in my life, from Northern Exposure and Upstairs Downstairs to Seinfeld and Green Acres. Dynasty remains a pleasure no matter how ridiculous it seems. The plots were zany, to be honest. But the show is just a hoot, plain and simple.
That being said, I am outraged that Season 3 (and possibly future seasons) is going to be divided up into volumes instead of complete seasons. I can only guess that the studio wants to milk us of our cash. Studios have done this cheesy practice with other shows, such as Lost in Space, Spongebob, and so forth. What pigs these companies can be sometimes.
Like other reviewers here, I am furious and disgusted at the ugly amount of greed and at the severe lack of respect for the customer. I will not be buying this until the price is cut significantly for half a season. I love the program but not this much. I urge others to voice their displeasure and demand a reasonable price point, as well as complete season sets without these stupid "volume" editions. We definitely deserve better treatment than this."
Fred J. Hough | South Houston, TX USA | 03/24/2008
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Yes I am a die hard Dynasty fan - I love the high quailty dvds of this show - but come on- why the vol 1 and 2 now? Is it a plot for us to spend more money of the show we all love? I don't know about you but I am NOT a Carrington or can NOT afford to live the life style as a Carrington. The releases have been so far and apart - I so look forward to seeing each season complete but we have to wait so very long- If they would release Season 3 vol 1 and 2 together, I think more people would buy it or release vol 1 and 2 of season three at the same time. Dallas is way ahead of the releases now of Dynasty - Out of Dallas' 14 seasons, 8 have been released - at least 2 seasons a year come out ( about every 6 or 7 months apart )AND COMPLETE !!!!!!- so whats the deal about Dynasty- I would be way more excited about a full season than half- makes you kinda forget about the show as we wait for the next season or part to be released - so disappointed here. At least my Dallas collection is near completion in 2 years or so. Just my thoughts - please release a whole season at a time........."