"It's not even spending the extra money that bothers me so much. It's having to wait. It's very frustrating, especially as there are 9 seasons of the show. At this rate, it's more like 18 seasons. I will be in my 50s by the time I get to finish. Really stupid move. I will just get them on Netflix."
Australia gets DVD full release, not volumes
William | Australia | 04/06/2009
(3 out of 5 stars)
"Season 3 of Dynasty DVD was released last week in Australia, and it is not split into volumes. Fortunately, Paramount have decided to market it properly over here. Season 3 was split in USA and they are now doing the same with Season 4 in USA. While we are one season behind over here, it is more than likely Season 4 will come as one set too. Makes it cheaper too.
See here: http://www.ezydvd.com.au/item.zml/804830"
Always A pleasure !!!
J. Vlna | Paris | 05/01/2009
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Too bad for the choice of issueing the seasons in 2 parts...but definitely we are reaching with season 4 the epitome of what Dynasty was and still is: the best!!!"
Wheres Volume 2?
T. Kraemer | DA, Deutschland | 08/09/2009
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Now 4 Month since release of VOl. 1. - Shouldnt the DVD COmpany have brought out the second Volume now?
I have seen the 13 Episodes and i was not thinking i would have to wait another 3 month or so.
If the DVD Company has to do the $$-breaking up of the season then please release the next volume after
3 month and not after 6 or more.
Release In Volumes
Sheila Jones | Los Angeles, CA | 04/07/2009
(4 out of 5 stars)
"I agree that releasing Dynasty and other dvd tv sets in volumes is a rip off!!! We will end up paying $60+ just for one season. It's not fair!"