Craig S. (InnerMacro) from WAUSAU, WI
Reviewed on 3/17/2024...
The Dungeonmaster is a film that would have been considered stupid by many in the 80s, but actually seems more plausible today given tech advances. While the special effects are low-budget and the acting is poor, the plot of a man using a neural interface with a computer battling Satan using his 'new-magic' versus Satan's old magic to rescue his girlfriend is not too far-fetched for today's audiences. It definitely was in the 1980s. The movie is actually a series of 7 'challenges', which were excuses for different writers to develop vignettes based on popular movies and fantasy books of the time (e.g. road warrior makes a brief appearance). Don't get me wrong, the movie is pretty cheesy, but one can't help but be impressed by the risk they took in making it and realizing how ahead of its time the concept was.
Eliminators is the better of the two movies. Low budget, but lots of fun and good action. Fans of role-playing and computer games will love Eliminators, and the star rating on this DVD would be 5 but Dungeonmaster brings it to a 4. Even so, worth checking out for fans of the fantasy and sci fi genre.
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